woopwoop! DAY 11: Morning all! im here... - No Smoking Day

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woopwoop! DAY 11

nsd_user663_2671 profile image
10 Replies

Morning all! im here

still going strong on day 11, there doesn't seem to be many of us left! i know Andy is gonna be here, but what happened to Charlene and Ruth? i hope your ok guys!

and also good luck to Lucy & Claire who are gonna be on day 10 today! nice one guys!

today is a wierd sensation, no cravings as of yet but my chest feels tight and aches when i breathe anyone else got this?

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nsd_user663_2671 profile image
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10 Replies
nsd_user663_2176 profile image

woopwoop indeed! You're doing so well, and you seem to be taking it all in your stride which is just fantastic. :):D:)

I think the chest thing is normal, there's a lot of crap in there to sort out so I suppose it's going to take a while.

Hope everyone else on day 11 is ok... where are you all??

nsd_user663_2667 profile image

woooo im here and feeling good today, the days seem to be flying by now, cravings are dying down now, and actually had a decent nights sleep last night the first one for 11 days !!

nsd_user663_2671 profile image

Nice one Andy thats excellent news mate!

it's a good job im so far along or i'd be straight on the fags after this morning, i accidentally intercepted an email between two collegeagues making unfair, bitchy and just plain childish remarks about me, my girl friend (whom they have never met) and the way i do my job (i had a payrise recently for the amount of effort, so i'm doing something right!) and what makes this worse is that when im in the office with them they cant be nicer to me! its only because i found the emails i know, otherwise i would have been blissfully unaware.

but im clever

i now have a couple of printed copies of said emails, not for malicious intent, but these are the sort of things that tend to come round and bite you in the arse every now and then and im going to be ready when it does.

These two people took a disliking to a former colleague not long after i started here two years ago, she cracked under the pressure and left to work someplace else,

im made of stronger stuff and on top of that im as stubborn as a mule. nope. i intend to hang around, im not going to quit, im going to hang on to those emails indefinately, im going to come to work and be normal with them, the smiles will be somewhat more synthetic in light of my new information, and im going to continue to do my job to the very best of my ability (better if i can help it) and i may even try to "intercept" a few more emails but also be careful i dont get caught, and im going to bide my time.

my time will come, and it will come in the form of a great big f*** you to this company and to these two people.

apologies for ranting, but if i didnt i would have probably bought cigarettes :)

thanks for listening, i shall now resume normal service.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

well done jimi, the tightness will pass, you will cough up all the nasty gunk you have acumilated in the lungs, stay strong xxx :)

nsd_user663_2176 profile image


good on you for staying calm (ish!) and a fantastic well done for not smoking - it's so easy to see something like this as a 'good excuse' so congrats on your willpower.

As to your colleagues I can really sympathise with this as I had something similar happen a few years ago. A girl I worked with, who was also (I thought) a really good mate outside of work was stirring up all sorts of sh*t behind my back - for reasons I never did find out. She's since gone onto have a right go at my bf as well - I think she might just be mad! You've done the best thing, stay calm, hold onto whatever you can find (and don't be afraid to send it to HR if necessary) and don't let them know that you know what they're like.

I hope things work out ok.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Nice one Andy thats excellent news mate!

it's a good job im so far along or i'd be straight on the fags after this morning, i accidentally intercepted an email between two collegeagues making unfair, bitchy and just plain childish remarks about me, my girl friend (whom they have never met) and the way i do my job (i had a payrise recently for the amount of effort, so i'm doing something right!) and what makes this worse is that when im in the office with them they cant be nicer to me! its only because i found the emails i know, otherwise i would have been blissfully unaware.

but im clever

i now have a couple of printed copies of said emails, not for malicious intent, but these are the sort of things that tend to come round and bite you in the arse every now and then and im going to be ready when it does.

These two people took a disliking to a former colleague not long after i started here two years ago, she cracked under the pressure and left to work someplace else,

im made of stronger stuff and on top of that im as stubborn as a mule. nope. i intend to hang around, im not going to quit, im going to hang on to those emails indefinately, im going to come to work and be normal with them, the smiles will be somewhat more synthetic in light of my new information, and im going to continue to do my job to the very best of my ability (better if i can help it) and i may even try to "intercept" a few more emails but also be careful i dont get caught, and im going to bide my time.

my time will come, and it will come in the form of a great big f*** you to this company and to these two people.

apologies for ranting, but if i didnt i would have probably bought cigarettes :)

thanks for listening, i shall now resume normal service.

I detect a green eyed monster aboard your workplace jimi. that can only mean you have or are someone to be envious of. give them a smug grin in that knowlage mate, he he ! :cool:

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

give them a smug grin in that knowlage mate, he he ! :cool:

Whilst singing 'I've got the power' in your head :D

nsd_user663_2671 profile image

:) Thanks for the support, you guys rock!

It really means a lot, thank you all so much :D

nsd_user663_2724 profile image

Going to the doctor today and can't wait to be all smug and say I don't smoke anymore. It is such a relief to know that I am working towards being free of this addiction. The doctors is just one example of a situation where you feel like an outcast because you smoked.

I have always found that no matter what I went to the doctor for their answer was always the same " it is because you smoke". I wonder what answer non-smokers get? I will find out today :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D good luck at the doctors Joanne x x

Well done! wear the smuggest smile you've got!

you deserve it xx

~Buffy x x

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