I dont know if it is in my mind, but I just walked to Waitrose and kept catching whiffs of nice things, flowers and grass and things, it was quite weird but nice. I did read that sense of smell gets better when you quit and I am on day 4 so maybe that is it. If it is then it is a real bonus, I was really liking all the smells and it makes it easier for me quitting when I have some benefit from it.
The first 2 days the hardest so far I nearly slipped but my hairdresser actually saved me. I am going all out at the moment for change, and that includes my look, I went to hairdresser to go blonde from quite dark brown. It is all part of my new changed life as a non smoker ( I got new curtains in my living room too), anyway, she couldnt dye my hair blonde on Friday because it needed to be in better condition first, for which I would need 8 weekly treatments, costing £15 per week, then I can go blonde.
I would never normally even consider spending £15 per week in the hairdressers, but I just thought to myself, OMG actually I usually spend that easily in a couple of days on ciggies and as I was on day 2 of my quit that day, I thought hey why not.
Actually I was struggling to convince myself not to smoke, and the promise of having my hair treated, cut and blow dried weekly, was pretty motivating to stop me reaching for a ciggie. I knew I could not afford both.
So I think I am definitely safe from smoking at least for the next 8 weeks, saved by my hairdressers exhorbitant rates and my own vanity.