stressful times ahead: Im at the end of day... - No Smoking Day

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stressful times ahead

nsd_user663_1989 profile image
13 Replies

Im at the end of day four and to be frank with you, I cant believe Im here, the first two days, especially day two were so horrendous I was sure Id cave.

Things were not helped by a letter arriving from my sons paediatrician in manchester who has called us up to see him about my sons kidney removal due to his kidney desease, among his other problems which the letter said will definately be going ahead this april, even though I knew this was coming as we had the scan results a few weeks ago, its made it real to us now, so the stress levels are starting to creep up.

Determind to stay off them now, especially with having at least a two week stay in hozzy with my 3 yr old, I cant be nipping out all the time for a filthy fag!, and I need to be healthy for both my kids.

thanks for listening to my ramblings, (again):rolleyes:


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nsd_user663_1989 profile image
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13 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image


Sorry about your son.You are so strong for not caving but I can see you need to be smoke free for his stay in hospital. Its so hard when its a child ill last year I quit for 6 months and my son who has a drink problem almost lost his life they was going to remove his pancrias because it was bleeding and he had a very big fit. The first thing I done is started smoking outside the hospital. Its worse for you because your little one is only a babe not like mine he has done it to himself. My heart is with you Love Linda xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Charlene, as a dad to a 4 year old my heart really goes out to you and your hubby. I know what I was like when mine banged his head on the concrete doorstep at 3, so I can only try to imagine how gut wrenching a time this is for you both.

Stay strong. Thinking about you.

nsd_user663_2688 profile image

Dear Charlene

You know smoking is the strangest of addictions. For years people have been advising to stop when you are less stressed and tell everyone you know etc, etc. I don't believe in that as you are simply putting life on hold and it implies that you cant deal with stress. You have shown that you have to deal with the stress whether you smoke or not. I don't believe in New Years Resolutions, they are there to be broken. One of the best times to give up is under stress, just before Christmas maybe. That way, it is no gimmick and its a real decision. Just as you have to stay strong for your son and family, you still have the desire to stop doing something that you do not want.

You will only have to stop again sometime so it may as well be now as you are doing so well. I hope your son will be ok. Can only imagine stress you are feeling.

The last time I fell off the wagon was when my dad was seriously ill. I thought he might die so it was my trigger as I just couldn't be bothered trying. That was 2 years ago and my dad is still here and I was still smoking. If I had just stuck to it I would be smoke free by now.

Oh I'll shut up, I have just given a lecture and that's the last thing I want to do.

Stick to what you know is the right thing to do - for you and your son.

All the best to you and your family. Ruth x

ps: Well I never, I have just reached day 5 without knowing it.

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

thankyou for your support and thoughts john ,its v very kind of you.

Ruth, honestly you wernt lecturing, purely saying what I need to hear right now, and your words put alot into perspective for me. :)

Linda, thanks so much for your kind words, and thoughts, it means alot when you have problems of your own to deal with yet you still offer support to others, Im sure that you worry just as much as I do, because no matter how old our kids are they are still our babies and we are still mums, whether or not it is self inflicted, thinking of you also hun.

and Boudee as always a tower of strength and support for me, I dont know what I would do without you chuck!

Im still here on day 5 and here I intend to stay, no matter how hard things get, I just have to keep things in perspective, after all if I can get through all this fag free, I can get through anything.

charlene x :)

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Oh Charlene, l am so, so sorry for all the worry you will be going through with regard to your son. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have this sort of worry. I think that you are a very, very special sort of MUM, and you WILL continue to be strong, and NOT give in, so as to be there for your children when they most need you. If you can get through this Charlene, you can get through anything - it doesn't get much worse than this -, a very sick child. Hang on in there, and when you have to stay at the hospital, it will be so much easier for you, not having to keep going outside for a cigarette. All the very best wishes to you and your family.


Josie xxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Charlene

here on day 5 almost day 6 Love Linda xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_2688 profile image

Charlene, I have just had a crash day and I have not got the stuff to worry about like you - not my child anyway. I think you are doing a sterling job and everything I said before about doing it through stress is true, I just haven't followed my own adivce. Keep strong and don't go to a shop if you can help it.

If one of my children were so poorly I don't think I could be as strong as you so be proud and carry on like a soldier - no not like a soldier like a woman and a mother.

Good luck to you. Ruth x

nsd_user663_2688 profile image

Sorry - no offence to any soldier or man. That was woman solidarity. It looked odd and then I tried to make it better but when I posted it, it looked as if it could be taken the wrong way. My apologies. R x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I just want to send you my love because i think you are doing really well and hope everything goes smoothly for your son. xx

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

My thoughts are with you and your kid Charlene, you do have the strenght needed in this situation so please don't give in to smoke! it would create another problem when in fact you need to be focused on something else entirely, besides it would make you feel so bad you certainly don't want to have to deal with that kind of thing now too. Take care hun things will work out for the best xx

nsd_user663_2659 profile image

Im at the end of day four and to be frank with you, I cant believe Im here, the first two days, especially day two were so horrendous I was sure Id cave.

Things were not helped by a letter arriving from my sons paediatrician in manchester who has called us up to see him about my sons kidney removal due to his kidney desease, among his other problems which the letter said will definately be going ahead this april, even though I knew this was coming as we had the scan results a few weeks ago, its made it real to us now, so the stress levels are starting to creep up.

Determind to stay off them now, especially with having at least a two week stay in hozzy with my 3 yr old, I cant be nipping out all the time for a filthy fag!, and I need to be healthy for both my kids.

thanks for listening to my ramblings, (again):rolleyes:


Hi,charlene,iam so sorry to hear about your son,you are really strong for keeping at it,try to hang on.Keep coming to the forum every time you feel week or just to talk ,sometimes I opened 10 times a day if it was to write or just read,even if i didn't get alot of replies someone answered and it made me feel better.thinking of you terry

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Thankyou everyone for all your kind words ofs advice and support, it really does help alot and strengthens my resolve when Im feeling weak, which I must admit is quite alot Im afraid.:rolleyes:

It is really good to know that you are all here when I feel my resolve weakening and I dont know what Id do without you all, after all no understands a quitter like a quitter (if that makes sense??)

I know I have family and friends that all support me during what is a stressful time, but the simple fact is with the exception of my parents (who havent spoken in a week since my mum joined my dad on his quit, so they arent much help:rolleyes:), they dont understand how it feels when youre quitting smoking, thats why I think this forum is so important to everyone, people here understand exactly what you are going through, and we all have our own problems to deal with yet we still come here to support each other because quitting otherwise would be a very lonely place.

thanks again guys.

charlene x

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

cheers boudee, youre a very special friend!:)

charlene x

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