it should be longer than that. seems like its been forever since i smoked lol. I stopped the patch last friday, 5 days ago, 6 weeks earlier than recommended.i believe they were good for taming triggers without withdrawl(i was able to draw a distict line between habit and actual craving) but i noticed a host of reasons why they not worth the hype. so with that i stopped them and endured the 72hr torture test. while for those few days didnt feel too good, i feel better now than i did the last day on the patch. so for the first time in 17+yrs smoking 2pack/day. im completely smoke and nicotine free.
im halfway through week 3: it should be... - No Smoking Day
im halfway through week 3
wee done quimbly
I'm on Cold Turkey, last time i used an inhalator but it really knackered up my chest. Do you get a 'hit' from using the patches?
Well done quimbly. You are over the worst of it.
It is all now a battle of the mind.
I can safely say that it does get easier with every passing week.
The cravings just get less intense and become far more infrequent.
Foe the first time in my life I am convinced that I will never smoke again.
I smoked for 29 years with a passion that was second to none. I adored my cigs. Now i can honestly say that i detest the smell of them.
Yuo can do it.
Good luck :)
Stay without it there Quimbly.
I think this 72 hour time line is over rated, for me the crucial period was days 6 & 7 been fairly easy since then. day 20 & 21 were bad but I think that was just this lot in here winding me up :rolleyes: