I could really use your support: Hi all, this... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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I could really use your support

nsd_user663_2444 profile image
6 Replies

Hi all, this is my first post on this forum... actually this is my first post on any forum. I'm a second year university student and hopefully a future ex-smoker. I know I am young, but the addiction has a strong grasp on me. I fear if I don't quit now, I wont ever. This is day two. It has been incredibly hard to resist the urge to join the other boys for a smoke. We party hard, we study hard, we drink hard and we smoke hard. Yesterday I had a hockey game, and I played horrible. I had zero wind and I couldn't keep up with the pace of the game. It was a real eye-opener. I need to quit and get back into a healthy life-style. I am surrounded by smokers, and I host parties at my residence on a weekly basis. Smokers are always around. Since I cant find refuge in my real life company, I have turned to the virtual world for support. I don't know if I cant do this. There is no way I will give up the parting and drinking at this point in my life, but the smoking has to go. I think about going to the store and buying a pack every second...

I can ace any university test you could throw at me... but quitting smoking is one test I dont think I can prepaire for on my own...

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nsd_user663_2444 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_2421 profile image

Oh, Dont Throw The Towel In Yet, Your Almost Over The Worst Now And You Know You Are Gona Quit So Why Have To Go Through The First Days Again. I Swear It Gets Easyer As The Days Pass. Just Yell For Help And We Are Here X

nsd_user663_2412 profile image

Hey Cale,

Welcome and well done!!

You are not alone here, we all understand what are going through and it is a hard battle, but if all stick together we will all succeed!

Your doing great, it will be hard especially if you are still partying hard etc but you have the strength within you to hold strong.

Just remain positive!!

nsd_user663_2444 profile image

Wow, the immediate support is overwhelming! This is truly a great group of people.

Day 2 is over and I can rest knowing that I did not give in to temptation today... even after being at 2 bars and seeing countless smokes being passes around to my friends.

This is my last post for tonight (Calgary, Canada time 4:25 am). I'll let you all know how tomorrow works out.

Thanks again for your support!! You have no idea how much help you're all going to be!! :)

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

WELCOMECale. I was smoking when I went to uni too. ( Still was 25yrs later )so good on you for quitting now.You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!


nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Hi all, this is my first post on this forum... actually this is my first post on any forum. I'm a second year university student and hopefully a future ex-smoker. I know I am young, but the addiction has a strong grasp on me. I fear if I don't quit now, I wont ever. This is day two. It has been incredibly hard to resist the urge to join the other boys for a smoke. We party hard, we study hard, we drink hard and we smoke hard. Yesterday I had a hockey game, and I played horrible. I had zero wind and I couldn't keep up with the pace of the game. It was a real eye-opener. I need to quit and get back into a healthy life-style. I am surrounded by smokers, and I host parties at my residence on a weekly basis. Smokers are always around. Since I cant find refuge in my real life company, I have turned to the virtual world for support. I don't know if I cant do this. There is no way I will give up the parting and drinking at this point in my life, but the smoking has to go. I think about going to the store and buying a pack every second...

I can ace any university test you could throw at me... but quitting smoking is one test I dont think I can prepaire for on my own...

Well done on your decision to quit!

If you need support day or night, there is always someone here for you Cale!

You can beat this and soon you will be able to party with you're mates and smoking wont even bother you!


nsd_user663_2318 profile image

Wecome Cale~

The fact that you made this decision at your age is wonderful:D I partied hard back in the day & I have to say the thought never crossed my mind. You have your whole life ahead of you and it will be so much more comforting knowing you won't be gasping for air every day from doing simple things! My hat is off to you for realizing how stupid smoking really is! You can do this & we will be here for u when u need us! Hang in there!:cool:


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