Day 51 - UGH: Ok - I was smooth sailing along... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 51 - UGH

nsd_user663_2142 profile image
28 Replies

Ok - I was smooth sailing along when all of a sudden 355- it's not so smooth anymore. I am craving again. I have actually been thinking about smoking a ciggie even though I know I don't want to. I have made it this far and I don't want to start back at day one, but I really have the urge to smoke lately. Ugh - this is soooo dumb. Why after this long is that demon still after me?!!! He needs to be shot and he should leave me alone now!

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nsd_user663_2142 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Aw NS4M, you are doing so great it'd be most awful for you to decide and smoke even just one, you'd feel real bad I'm sure about that!! Still, I feel you, I really do! even I, as of lately, have been feeling something subtle yet similar to a craving :rolleyes:

It's obviously just a freaking mind game played by the EVIL nic demon at our expenses, or our not-yet-even-remotely-healed mind still trying to play tricks on us...whatever, let's resist hun because we do know better and besides we ARE STRONG! Think about it, we truly do not need nicotine anymore, we do not need to hold cigarettes in our fingers anymore as we have gotten rid of the gesture of smoking from our routines too, we have found ourselves again when without smoke we were scared to death that we were going to have to change personality, be somebody else entirely (omg I was SO scared!), we have seen that every single thing that was pleasant in our life before is at least as pleasant without a cigarette, if not definitely more pleasant, and the situations that would make us nervous in the begininng don't bother us at all anymore - for god's sake we know very well that life is much better now and that we are exactly like non-smokers by now, let's cut ourselves some slack and allow ourselves to think and live like them :o :D

I know, not a big help but hey, this addiction makes no sense at all so remedies can't make any sense either, right? :p

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Keep On The Path...

Francesca is right...there is no remedy, but you know what it feels like to have a sore throat, no energy, no breath, no are so far into the healing process that one cigarette would be such a death blow..dont give in. I am struggling with my day 10 and only hope to reach the place where you are someday soon. We are mirrors for each other..I want you to do this because I want myself to do this. If you can make it, I can make it..we give each other hope.

Thank you for posting this..

nsd_user663_2216 profile image

Know How You Feel Mate

in my previous thread " my own personal nightmare "

i was also talking about cravings and how well i had done to NOT have a ciggie but............

to my shame i got a bit of stress and smoked 2 ciggies in the space of half an hour.

trust me when i say after so long without a ciggie and what with the ciggie demon playing tricks with your mind ..SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE having theses 2 ciggies made me ill and i was sick as a parrot because your body cant take these smokes anymore.

so i dont feel i failed in fact i am happier now because i have given in to the cravings and it showed me that i dont need to smoke and in fact since that happened i have not even wanted a smokie... all i think about is how ill it made me and i start running for the lolly pops instead.

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Nice Work Nosmoke!!

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hi NoSmoke. I'm honestly not just saying what you want to hear, but from a number of previous quit attempts I know to anticipate a few problem days in week six (or thereabouts). It shakes your confidence when you think you've got it licked but it shouldn't last more than a day or two and then your back on track again. I once got terrible cravings after about 6 months and thought I was gonna cave, but thankfully it was for one day only.

Don't lose your fight...


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi guys,

I was busy today so I just found some time to pop on here now. Thank you all for your posts :) I didn't cave, but i am still having ciggie thoughts. Hopefully they leave me soon as they are driving me nuts. I won't cave, i won't cave, i won't cave!!! Thank you all for your posts once again - they really do help! ;)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

I won't crash on you Bou!! Thanks for the encouragement :D I am looking forward to feeling this terrible weight lift off of me. I feel better knowing that the reward is huge and just around the corner. :D

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

How do you feel now Bou? The craves are gone now? 3 Months is amazing!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

That's great! I am just wondering when the monster truly dies! I want to know when the 'missing feeling' goes away. I guess it's not at three months if you are still having a small feeling of 'missing something'. Maybe 4 months?!! Hope you liked the house you saw today. Talk to you soon!

nsd_user663_2288 profile image

Don't give up!

Don't give up! I know how you feel and it's really tough. Hang in there!:)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Thanks MySmokeOut! I am hanging in and the craves have calmed down quite a bit now thankfully. Thanks for the support :D

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Woah.. NS4M.. you're doing SOOOOO well.. I'm tempted to say 'I can't believe it' but of course, I can believe it! You have been through some tough stuff (I've been catching up here) and maybe there's some more, different, tough stuff to come your way but.. you will hold out because you've got this far and because it's worth it and because.. well just read the other posts in this thread.

I'm right behind you, or am I in front of you, maybe we're just side by side!

I can feel a song coming on.. *sidles off to pick up his silver-topped cane, boater and spats*

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

HELLO STEVEH!!!! WELCOME HOME BUDDY! You are one day a head of me i am thinking! 2 Months today for you - i made you a thread special so I won't cheer in here!! :D

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hello NS4M! How you feeling today? Better I hope...:D Where's this special thread then? I'm off to find it.. c u later.:)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

I am feeling much better lately, thanks for asking :D How are you doing? I hope you are very well. Haha ~ ok go find that thread cause you deserve it.

nsd_user663_2119 profile image




be strong & determined and we'll get thru this together!

MONTH 3.........................ERE WE COME!!!:cool: NO PROBS!!

luv poskit.x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

413 OOOHHHHH POSKIT!!! I am SOOOOO excited for tomorrow. I can't wait to tell everyone that I have been smoke free for 2 whole months!! How amazing is this. We are doing soooo excellent :D We should go shopping tomorrow and buy something stunning for ourselves as we soooooo deserve it!! We are going strong through this together!! What a great job we are doing too!


nsd_user663_2119 profile image

woooooohoooooooooo!!! nosmoke!!!

WE'RE THERE!!!!!!! 2 MONTHS SMOKE FREE:D HOW EASY WAS THAT;) MONTH 3 ERE WE COME!!!! i'm off out to our sisters house, for a day of

football,rugby, (come on england!!!:D) got my box of wine!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm white zinfandel(love it!!) then a takeaway.....

ooooooh wat a brill day to celebrate:cool:


best wishes.poskit.x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oooh I like a zinfandel!! Blossom hill? I like their wines :D The red zinfandel is nice too !! :D

Well done guys x x xx

So nice to see you still here and truely smoke free!! feels good eh?

We are winning 3-0 as i write this x x

My other half laughed at me this morning, about the rugby 'We're in the world cup semi final and you'll be the only person in the country watching bloody Casualty!!' :D hehehehe it's true too :rolleyes: he'll have to watch ruggers in the boys room hehehehe

Steve x x x tis great to see you mate x x x glad your still here with us x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hiya guys,

Poskit I celebrated with my red wine...Mmmmmm - too much though but Mmmmmm :D Month 3 we are on our way sooooo mmmooooove over! ;)

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Oooh I like a zinfandel!! Blossom hill? I like their wines :D The red zinfandel is nice too !! :D

Yeh Buffy

the blossom hill is my favorite one!

hubby got me some pink chill(zinfandel) he got me the box though! was nice too!! got abit left gonna drink that later today!! but i've got a blossom hill in the fridge(incase i run out!!:o )

watching footie on tv again today our team HUDDERRSFIELD TOWN!!(COME ON THE TERRIERS!!) are on. great result yesterday for ENGLAND (footie & rugby!!)

anyway cathc ya soon.


nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Hey Poskit

My step dad supports Huddersfield and my step brother too. They used to live in upper Denby and my steb bro went to Shelley High School many moons ago !!!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Come On The Terriers!

:D for poskit n karen :D hehehehe

Ohhh I am not the only one to cane wine like water then :D hehehe

x x x x x

Good luck in the footy x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

:D for poskit n karen :D hehehehe

Ohhh I am not the only one to cane wine like water then :D hehehe

x x x x x

Good luck in the footy x x

~Buffy x x

The way I see it is this: Cigs are full of tar and poisons and crap where as wine

is made from grapes.Grapes are fruit. fruit counts as 1 of your '5' a day - so therefore the more the better!(that's my excuse anyway!)

K x;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

The way I see it is this: Cigs are full of tar and poisons and crap where as wine

is made from grapes.Grapes are fruit. fruit counts as 1 of your '5' a day - so therefore the more the better!(that's my excuse anyway!)

K x;)

Yes!!! your a genius!! It's our 5 a day!!! lollol we are being healthy :rolleyes:

Silly me :)

Is the offie open yet :confused:

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Everyone on this forum is a genius - just some of us take a bit longer to recognise it!!!!!!


nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Hey Poskit

My step dad supports Huddersfield and my step brother too. They used to live in upper Denby and my steb bro went to Shelley High School many moons ago !!!


ooooh small world in't it? your dad n step bro will be fed up today as we are:( town LOST AGAIN!! getting really fed up of their bad run lately, but die hard fans learn to expect it i suppose! i don't go to the matches anymore, but hubby and my son jake go to every home game, jake tends to go to most away ones as well now!

my hubby & his mate had the huddersfield town crest tattoo'd on their legs a few years ago:rolleyes: but the best thing was..........the club CHANGED THE BADGE 2 DAYS LATER to a compleatly different badge:eek: was funny at the time but they wasn't impressed!!

anyway to cut a long story short.........the local news got word of it and by 2/3days later we had the SUN and DAILY MIRROR newspapers knocking on the door for their story!! GMTV EVEN PHONED THEM, but because they could'nt get to London THEY SENT A TV CREW AND INTERVIEWED THEM AT HOME!!

well they loved the 15mins of fame! and eventually they did cahnge the badge back.. your dad n bro might remember it??

anyway.. just thought i'd tell you that bit of mindless information!! but the town fans will see the funny side:D

love poskit.x

nsd_user663_2119 profile image

Hey Poskit

My step dad supports Huddersfield and my step brother too. They used to live in upper Denby and my steb bro went to Shelley High School many moons ago !!!


ooooh small world in't it? your dad n step bro will be fed up today as we are:( town LOST AGAIN!! getting really fed up of their bad run lately, but die hard fans learn to expect it i suppose! i don't go to the matches anymore, but hubby and my son jake go to every home game, jake tends to go to most away ones as well now!

my hubby & his mate had the huddersfield town crest tattoo'd on one of their leg's a few years ago:rolleyes: but the best thing was..........the club CHANGED THE BADGE 2 DAYS LATER to a compleatly different badge:eek: was funny at the time but they wasn't impressed!!

anyway to cut a long story short.........the local news got word of it and by 2/3days later we had the SUN and DAILY MIRROR newspapers knocking on the door for their story!! GMTV EVEN PHONED THEM, but because they could'nt get to London THEY SENT A TV CREW AND INTERVIEWED THEM AT HOME!!

well they loved the 15mins of fame! and eventually they did change the badge back.. your dad n bro might remember it??

anyway.. just thought i'd tell you that bit of mindless information!! but the town fans will see the funny side:D

love poskit.x

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