Brand New Here And Day Three - Yikes! - No Smoking Day

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Brand New Here And Day Three - Yikes!

nsd_user663_2263 profile image
16 Replies

I was looking for an online support group and had no idea this one was based in the I live in upstate, New York ..I am here because I am struggling through my 3rd day and miserable!! I am wanting to murder my husband, cannot sleep, cant relax..any advice??

Thanks -

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nsd_user663_2263 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Hi Smoke signal and Welcome.

First off, congratulate yourself on getting this far. I am on day nine on chantix so not that far ahead of you. This is my second attempt and am determined this time. Try lots of lots of water. I put lemon in mine, seems to help with the cravings. Stay as busy as possible. Take each craving one at a time and know that the further you get down the road the less they will be both in intensity and frequency. I have maybe one or two a day. They say after 3 days all the nicotine is gone from your system but the mental addiction is far worse as far as I am concerned.

Change up your routine, drink tea instead of coffe, learn to knit or crochet since winters in upstate new york can be hell. I am from poughkeepsie new york. Currently live in oklahoma, moved out here 7 years ago. NY will always be my HOME even if I was born and raised in Indiana.

Please feel free to post often, come here for lots and lots of support as they are wonderful people here full of love, support, advice onriness, especially boudee, and buffy!! hehe You have found the right spot!

nsd_user663_2142 profile image


WOW DAY 3!!! AMAZING JOB! You are doing super so keep it up.

They say that day 3 is the hardesay of all. This is the day that all of the nicotine is leaving your body. Sooooo you are now NICOTINE FREEEEE!! Stick with it because tomorrow you should feel much better. You will not be out of the woods yet, but you will start to feel a difference in your body.

The cravings only last 3-5 minutes so keep yourself busy during those tough moments and don't let the demon get you. Drink plenty of fruit juice or water. I put a small amount of lemon juice in my hot boiled water or I add the lemon to a glass of ice water and that seems to help with cravings. You can squirt pure lemon into your mouth when times are really hard and sometimes that helps a great deal. I found straight lemon juice was helpful in the morning when my crave was horrible. My doctor also suggested I chew celery very very slowly until it turns to pulp in my mouth before swallowing it. Go for a walk when a crave hits, draw, sing, dance, call a friend, come on to this forum....anything just DON'T SMOKE!!

You will start to notice that ciggies are not the only thing on your mind in a few days. Right now it is consuming your every thought and don't worrry that is 100% normal.

In the next few days you may also feel light headed or dizzy or just very strange and that is all normal as well. You are starting to get more oxygen into your brain and it is making you feel different ;)

Well go and celebrate because you are doing someing sooo amazing and you are succeeding at it!! Well done. Put all of your ciggie money in a jar, and when you hit 1 week or 2 weeks go splurge on yourself cause you deserve it. :D

Have a wonderful smoke free night and always know - we are right here for you!

nsd_user663_2263 profile image

Thanks For The Support Here!!

Its day 4 now and I am sleeping much better now..the lemon water is very good and helps. Ok...heading for day 5!!:) :) :)

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hi Smokesignal,

You'll have gathered by your replies so far that we're a pretty cosmopolitan bunch on here. Welcome on board and well done on your four days so far.

If you need any advice or support or just wanna loose off after a bad day, you've come to the right place.

Good Luck


nsd_user663_2263 profile image


Me too..I eat three times as much but I am drinking more water now to curb the food gig..I never used to eat at all..just smoke. This morning I woke up craving a cigarette and forgot that I quit I am drinking espresso and knitting instead..hmm..

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Congrats on Day 4 Buck! I still eat everything in sight lmao. It's not AS bad as it was when i first quit, but... Mmmmm food! Hey better to eat than smoke. :p

nsd_user663_1966 profile image

As a smoker I NEVER snacked between meal times. Didn't need to because I smoked instead. When I quit smoking I added two meals a day to my routine one about 10.30 and another about 3.00 and i'm talking bacon sandwiches, pies, burgers - you name it. Now however after 3 and a half months my crazed eating pattern has settled down and I'm back to a more normal pattern - though still need to lose most of the 20 pounds I put on in those early stages. From a previous quit i recall that I put a lot of weight on in the first 6 months and then lost half of that in the next 6 months. I think some small amount of permamnet weight gain has to be accepted.

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

OMG...u mean my big ass is gonna stay this way???????????? Well Boudee...the one thing I can say is....The bigger your ass gets the farther from your nose it gets!!.hahahahahahahahahahahaha

nsd_user663_2119 profile image




i think it might just work better for me!


nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Well hubby calls me "ghetto bootylicious asssssss" shall I change my name or just leave it as is?! Hmmmmm...

nsd_user663_1734 profile image

Hi ya

I have heard that excercising in the morning can help with weight gain. As smoking ups your heart rate, your metabolism is higher so you burn more fat. Cus you've stoped smoking your heart rate does not increase so your metabolism decreases. I go for a fast walk around the park for 10 mins every morning and not put on any weight. I have been smoke free for 19 days.

Hope this might help, it works for me. :)

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Hi Gemma,

Geez lol - it must be nice to have that kind of energy in the morning. I use to get up brush my teeth, come downstairs put the kettle on have a smoke with my tea and go back upstairs to shower and get dressed. When finished all of that - sit in the couch for a few more minutes and of course have another ciggy. WALK in the morning LMAO!!! My body is too tired and still sleeping for a few hours after my eyes open :) You are very lucky to have that get up and go kinda energy bright and early in the morning. I am glad you have found something that is working for you though - that's great! :D

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Walking in the morning? What the hell is wrong with you? I roll out of bed, let the dog out, stumble to the mailbox for the newspaper that I do not read until the evening, jump in the shower, dress, let the dog in, pack my lunch, drink my coffee and fiber, and go to work. Who has time for all that. I refuse to give up my sleep in the morning. I have begun to walk in the evenings now that is is below 100 degrees

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

I was walking the dog with every craving last time. He got nice and trim. I didn't. It has been harder this time because Tony is so limited in what he can do after the neck surgery. He walks with me in the evening but he can only do 5 blocks at a pop. I did dig thru the closet and find my old weights. I want to get back to my pre oklahoma weight.

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

he does get better and has improved tremendously than before surgery. Doc says it's a long slow recovery. They replaced 3 disk in his neck. He has a plate and 8 screws that run from above his adams apple to down in his neck. graft 1 and graft 3 have taken well, graft 2 still has big gaps. Doc hopes it is just slow growing. We will see the end of october when we go back again.

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Hell no! We have private health insurance but the good thing is it happened on the job so they have to pay for it all. We get Workmans Compensation which is 75% of his salary so we have not lost anything finacially. His hospital bill was 64,758.00 dollars! 2 1/2 day stay! This is his second major surgery in the 7 years we have been together. He lost a kidney to cancer 4 years ago. That was scary as hell. This was a piece of cake compared to that for me. For him he wold say this is the worst becasue he is much more imoble. He was back to work 6 weeks after surgery then. Now it will be the first of the year so he has quite awhile to go

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