6 months: Hi all 6 months today if it wasnt... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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6 months

nsd_user663_1733 profile image
21 Replies

Hi all

6 months today if it wasnt for my blip. Cant say I feel proud because i dont having a big struggle with it all. Really feel depressed and messed up just wish my mind was clearer. There is a lot of shit going on in my family at the moment and feel all messed up my mums anv on the 17th of this month. So hoping i will feel a bit better focused by then. But I would like to say you are all very brill peeps and I am sure you will all Win the fight Lots of Love Linda xxxxx

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nsd_user663_1733 profile image
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21 Replies
nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Aw Linda, big big big big big well done!!!! What a huge achievement, blip or no blip!!!

You should be so proud of yourself, even if you are struggling with it, you are still a non smoker!!!!

I'm having a sh*tty time at the mo, and i've decided to try really hard with positive thinking and see the positive side of things.

I know you're having a hard time, and i hope things are getting better, but reaching 6 months is a positive thing!!!! :D :D

nsd_user663_2176 profile image


really sorry to hear you're feeling down about things - I'm not surprised with everything you've had going on lately. You should be so proud of yourself for getting this far. I know how tempting it is to smoke when you feel those stress levels rising but you already know that you'll just feel worse if you do. Sh*tty things happen - whether we're smokers or not.

Make sure you take some time for yourself and try to do some things that relax you. It's hard work being the strong one for the family so make sure you're looking after you as well as everyone else.

Hope you're feeling better soon.


nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Linda dear, I think you're a lovely, sweet smart person who's going through a terribly stressful situation, really you're going through such a hard time you should so be proud of yourself, like the others said. Don't focus on your blip hun, you're only ending up hurting more when there's no need for you to add another stressful thought to your mind. Just allow yourself to be happy that you're a non-smoker, remember that no blip has changed that reality :)


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Big Hugs Linda you made it to the penthouse :D

I am sorry everything is still stressful and crappy x x x x :(

It is separate from the good and positive things try not to put the two together x x

I know you will get through this and come out stronger for it x x

Rome wasn't built in a day.

You could always go to your doctor and discuss how you feel. I had a councilor *(thats an MP type chappy d'uh I mean counselor!) for a year (about 5-6 years ago) and it really helped me lay my past behind me, deal with the present and look to the future x x

You are never far from my thought Linda x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2142 profile image

Crappy days are the worst!! Cheer up because you have done an excellent job quitting even if you had a small blip. 6 Months TODAY!!!!!! GREAT!!!! Congratulations you should treat yourself :D

nsd_user663_1607 profile image

Hi all

I used to be a regular contributor on here, but have gone quiet for ages. I did 6 months but hate to say that once back at work in early September (am in education), went back on the damned weed. Dunno why and did not enjoy.

Some days have smoked 10, some days 20, some days bought a pack and smoked 1 then threw them away and some days managed without. Still on full strength gum when not smoking. Feeling really bad and pessimistic about myself and let all u lot down.

Am determined to stop, but it will soon be another Monday morning, and the way I feel is that I cannot resist that first one.

Done wonders, feel fitter and did my 1st 10k run 2 weeks ago, but Nick O Teen is winning. Help me. Dont wanna capitulate. Theres just a bit of hope left. Just!


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Ron

So sorry to hear your having a bad time of it Can relate to all your saying been having a bad time myself. All i can say we have done it once and its only us who can do it again We know in our heart we are and feel much better not smoking its getting the message into our stupid brain. You know you have all the support here Try and pick a day and give it another try you have not lost nothing only not smoking a few more. Dont know if all this makes any sense Just hope you feel better soon smoking or not

Love Linda xxxx

nsd_user663_1858 profile image

what a shame Ron feel sorry for you m8.

why not plan your quit date soon.

6 months not smoking means you done your body a world of good.

your crap in your lungs would have started to clear.

does not mean you have to smoke for another 6 months.

stay positive

good luck


smoke free 8 march

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Heya Ron x x x x

Good to hear from you albeit a little negative x x

How you have suffered :( *hugs*

The good thing is that you are not like a real smoker as before, every cigarette has a feeling of negativity about it and you want to keep stopping which is all good stuff!!!

You are feeling the benefits of your quit and you should still be proud of all you have achieved x x

10 steps forward and 2 back isn't too awful ;)

Just keep trying x x x x

And keep running :D bet you look and feel fitter and healthier!

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1607 profile image

Gone 48 hours, on gum but no smoke- cannot go back to the crap- tomoorw morning will be the acid test. I'll really try. Cheers guys, feel strong enough on come back on here now

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Yay Ron,

Go Ron Go,

Come on Ron, I have great faith in you, you will breeze through monday morning. It is all in the mind coz it is just like any other morning, just that it is at the beginning of the week! Once you have got over the physcological hurdle you will be fine I am sure, just think how well you have done and how fit you are now.

Be thinking of you in the morning honey,

Befly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Ron Sooooooooooooo Glad your back 48 hours thats great. Dont woory about 2moro morning till it gets here then take it hour by hour and come back at home time to tell us all about it. Only thing is I will be at school by then cleaning up after the (lovely children) HEHEHE Stay strong Ron You can do it Linda xxxx



nsd_user663_1607 profile image

I got to do it for you guys but got to do it for me. Belive it or not in last 6 months have done my 1st ever 10k run and got a respectable time too. Have walked and cycled for England (or for the UK) for our none English readers. Have felt on cloud 9 and so healthy. Saved £600 and did not stink. Then blew it all and the 9 to 5 got to me. Got to do it once and for all, staring tomorrow. I wanna live. Why do they have such powers? Nobody I know smokes any more. 48 hours already and feel better. But 2 weeks of smoking has made me cough again. This is it- the final battle. 57 yrs old, either an ex smoker or a premature death.

Be there for me- hoping and praying to report good news this time tomorrow.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Come on Ron I agree with all boudee as said We are in control not a stupid white stick Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Ron x x x x x x

I have no more to add but feel as everyone above x x

You have achieved soooooooooo much :D


~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1607 profile image

I did it! None at all, all day! wow! Back in the zone again- this time lets hope permanently. I did 6 months with a few blips which I could live with, but the last 2 weeks were full on smoking. God knows why, but now I have got my confidence and self esteem back.

Cheers guys.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done Ron x x x

So glad you have the quit confidence reinstalled :D

Stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Ron you are a true star keep on track we are all with you Linda xxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1607 profile image

Still there, but nearly tipped over this morning- its still that first one, just chewed about 3 gums in succession and it got me through- when will the mind over matter kick in? Is it just a habit of 40 yrs, having a good fag after breakfast- how did I do 6 months and now its all back again, could it be stress? My life is mighty stressful or am I looking for excuses?

Heavy eh?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh Ron!

Here is were you want the miracle answer right?


Sorry x x

I don't know, I know what you mean.

It is just mind over matter surely because the addiction has left our bodies and after 28 days we have formed a new non smoking habit easy?!

So why is there that constant niggle and reasoning as to why we pick up a fag?

If it is because we are stressed does the stress dissolve after a ciggy?

It certainly doesn't!! the world still turns and deals the same crap!

That is all I know.

The smoking helps with nothing and it is god awful, not smoking is a better way to be.

But it doesn't help much!

Any life change is usualy inspired by a trigger in our life. I guess we all get our triggers at different times and for different reasons and that is why there is no 1 right way to quit and have it easy x x

We just have to play it the hard way till something triggers and the change comes x x

There is always someone worse of than ourselves and we have positive things to focus on and that for me is my way of getting through right now x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1607 profile image

cheers buffy

The 1st cig, the one I still crave for, does not help- infact it set the tone for the rest of the day- 'u succomed, ur a loser'

Have managed now 5 days after a massive blip of 2 weeks and at this time of the night its easy- but tomorrow, up at 7 to face the 9 to 5 is not. I will try try try, but am very human with frailties. If can go till weekend will hve cracked it,

thanks for the care- ur a star.


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