Cold turkey: Hello everyone, I have just... - No Smoking Day

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Cold turkey

nsd_user663_2157 profile image
22 Replies

Hello everyone, I have just joined this site and this is my sixth attempt in stopping smoking, hope to succeed this time.:cool:

I smoked 20 cigs a day for about 15 years, since Sunday I have managed to cut down to 10 a day.

Today I have only had two so far that’s good going for me cos I can normally smoke five or six in a morning.

I have read some threads and find that everyone is so friendly and supportive with each other and I would like to join

My stop date is Friday 24th, not sure how I will cope after that cos doing it cold turkey been refused by my GP for champix:mad:

Well good luck and well done to all you who have succeeded and hope to be the same soon

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nsd_user663_2157 profile image
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22 Replies
nsd_user663_2092 profile image

Hi Roxy and welcome

Congrats on your decsion to quit and Im sure this time will be a success. You'll get lots of support from us all when you need it and everyone is qvery friendly and welcoming. Good luck for the quit day, I went cold turkey and currently on day 33 so goes to show it can be done, :) :)

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Hi Roxy, i'm on day 18 of Cold Turkey and finding it relatively easy this time around. Although haven't in the past.

Be prepared to distract yourself with other things.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_2133 profile image

Dear Roxy

Hi there and welcome!! Really good luck with your quit - you can do this. When you need a puff just come on the site and tap away. There are loads of good tips to to help take the craving away from eating seeds, to drinking some lemon juice and water. A wealth of info and experience is here - and we may not have all the answers but everyone on this site always makes you feel better and motivated to go on.

Take Care


nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Roxy, welcome! You will have seen that we are all in various stages of ridding ourselves of the dreaded weed so whatever you are going through, there's someone around who can offer help / support / advice or just simply a diversion!:D

Interested to know why your doc refused you Chmpx..

Best of luck, you're not alone

nsd_user663_2151 profile image

Hi roxy,

On day 6 of cold turkey. Feeling great and the forum support helps.

nsd_user663_2156 profile image

Hi Roxy and welcome,

This is only my 2nd day on this site but everyone is really friendly and have great advice to offer (most of the time!!).

I am now on 3rd day of stopping and feels good. Lost count of the amount of times I have tried before, but i know this is for real. I do not want to be a smoker when my 1st born arrives in November. What better motivation can there be.

Good luck with your no smoking, and keep popping in here for a pick me up when required.

Take care :)


nsd_user663_2157 profile image

Hi everyone and thank you for you replies yes they are a good help to me and will take on the tips to take a way the craving. :cool:

My GP told me that he would not give me champix but would like me to try zyban, I refused due to the side effects I have heard from others who have tried it, i.e. seizure, high blood pressure and bad sleepless nights.

He told me that cos I refuse zyban I didn’t really want to stop smoking and if I was really wanting to stop then I would take the zyban prescription and stop wasting his time, I was told to buy champix myself and if I could afford to smoke then I could afford to buy champix if I really want to stop.

Therefore, I just walked out feeling let down.

Nevertheless, I am still positive in myself and know I will stop smoking no matter what :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello roxy x x welcome on board!! x x

Make lots of plans on what you will do instead of smoking

and write down loads of rewards to treat yourself to along the way!!

drink plenty of water and eat little and often!

Congrats on your decision to quit ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hi everyone and thank you for you replies yes they are a good help to me and will take on the tips to take a way the craving. :cool:

My GP told me that he would not give me champix but would like me to try zyban, I refused due to the side effects I have heard from others who have tried it, i.e. seizure, high blood pressure and bad sleepless nights.

He told me that cos I refuse zyban I didn’t really want to stop smoking and if I was really wanting to stop then I would take the zyban prescription and stop wasting his time, I was told to buy champix myself and if I could afford to smoke then I could afford to buy champix if I really want to stop.

Therefore, I just walked out feeling let down.

Nevertheless, I am still positive in myself and know I will stop smoking no matter what :)


concidered changing docs? :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

Hi Roxy, your doctor sounds as though he might do well to move into the 21st c. that sort of high-handed 'I know better than you' attitude went out of fashion years ago. Do you have to see him or can you get an appointment with someone else who might be a bit less dictatorial?

Anyway, you've got great spirit and determination so you'll do it with or without his help. ;)

nsd_user663_2157 profile image

Hi Buffy

Yes, I am going to change today to another surgery took the day off work to get it sorted out so fingers crossed I get something sorted soon.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Good for you x x x x

you deserve better!

nsd_user663_2157 profile image

Yep :mad: he sure did have that I know better than you' attitude in him, but i know better than him so off i go to get a new doctor who will be more understanding and helpful

Will let you know how I get on.

Thankyou :)

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

Hi Roxy,

And I would write to your local NHS compliants dept - that sort of attitude SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!

I was shocked and horrified when I first went to my no smoking clinic to be told that so many surgeries have stopped doing no smoking clinics in our area because the government have met thier quota for this year in this particular region:

UN bloody believable!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

nsd_user663_2084 profile image

Hi Roxy

Well well, not a very supportive doctor! there are those out there with their heads stuck in the clouds, have you tried NRT replacement therapy?


nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Your doc's attitude stinks. How dare he make judgements about what you can and can't afford. For all he knows you could be in debt and not able to support your addiction to smoking. In any case since when has someone's ability to afford to buy their own medication been a factor in whether they could have it or not? GRRR it makes me angry. If he ever comes down my manor throwing his hypocratic weight about I'll give him a clump up the ear he'll not forget for a long time.

Anyway good luck and I've gotta go watch England being beaten at Webley Stadium in front of 86000 fans


nsd_user663_2157 profile image

Thanks for all your lovely kind comments and support, :) yes dicky I felt the same way as you wanted to kick his backside from here to kingdom come, I have sent a complaint in about him and not received any reply as yet will let you all know the out come.

Hi Caroline, I have tried loads of NRT and have not managed to succeed in staying stopped, so this time going cold turkey just to prove to myself I can and will do it ,;)

My mind, body and soul is 100% on giving up for good this time just hope my will power is in top form to help get me off the nasty nicotine for good

cheers to you all and good luck with the non smoking your all in my prays :)

Roxy xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2157 profile image

Last day as a smoker

Well this is my last day as a smoker, only had six cigs today down from 20 a day since Sunday. ;)

Tomorrow is a new start a fresh day smoke free :D

I have my fingers and toes crossed I succeed this time its my 6th attempt to stop and I really feel positive this time, bought some Nicorette Microtab to help me.

Everyone of you have all done so well on this site and I just want to follow suit

Keep giving good tips and advice

Love to all my new found no smoking friends XXXXXXXXXXXX

nsd_user663_2136 profile image

We're all with you Roxy! Have a great, smoke-free 1st day tomorrow!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Absolutely all my my very best for you tomorrow x x x

Look forward to hearing from you x x ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image


welcome aboard and all the very best for the first day of your new life tomorrow. You show that pig headed doctor you can do it we are here if you need us Love Linda xxxxx

nsd_user663_2096 profile image

Good luck for tomorow Roxy,

Go girl you can do it!

Befly x x 108

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