Day 29,not 28.: Morning Everyone:) I have... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Day 29,not 28.

nsd_user663_1931 profile image
12 Replies

Morning Everyone:)

I have just realised that my month 2 started at 12.30 am this morning. I had my dates wrong as i thought i was on day 28 today.:confused:

I am feeling good. I think the habits of smoking are gone. I no longer think oh i need a cig after meals , on the phone , in the car etc.

I still think sometimes that i would like one but as soon as i think about it , its gone again within SECONDS. No more climbing the walls having to fight the urges off. I can remember those times having to struggle so hard not to have one and now its so much easier, can`t believe i`ve got to this stage.

In the future (if i do get any bad craves ) i will have to remember what it was like early on and how hard it was to resist.

Hope everyone else is well.

Love Barb x

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12 Replies
nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Barb

Missed you all my pc messed up its ok now. YOur doing really well funny the time seams to go fast for other peeps quits. Hows that girl of yours not long now bet you cant wait but bet she cant wait more hehe. Speak later going food shopping hate it. Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

WoooHooooo Barb! Gets better with age doesn't it?! I feel like you do. It was 2 months for me yesterday and the urge isn't even there anymore. Maybe 1-2 a week I think a cigarette would be nice but only for a split second. I am breathing so much easier and haven't had a breathing treatment in 2 months. I seldom take my meds for congestion. Although alleriy season has started for me here so that will be a big possibility. Am proud of you!




nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hehe well done Barb x x x that was one easy day of the quit!! :p

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Thanks everyone

Linda--Daughters going in next monday.:eek: She wants it over and done with now, she`s fed up.

Cindy-- Well done on 2 months , its great that we can have these thoughts about cigs and then they gone again so quickly.I have felt like this for a few days now.

Buffy--You said "that was one easy day of the quit". Does that mean i`ve got more easy or hard days to come.

One more thing---I think we are all Brilliant for doing this.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Next Monday :eek: yay!! best wishes x x x x x x x x

Oooh easier or harder days to come? well compared to losing a day without knowing, can't get any easier than that!! hehe unless you lose a few more :p

Usually when i lose a day it's followed with a pounding head ache and dizziness :o

Well done to you Barb x x with the birth now so close theres plenty to busy yourselves with!!

Hope your daughter is as relaxed as possible and follows her heart ~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Buffy

LOL at losing a day ,then pounding headache.

I don`t drink so cant lose a day that way.:D

Thanks for good wishes on pending birth.

I forgot to say , since the cravings have gone i have eaten like a pig:o .

I ate normally for the first 3 weeks , now i cant stop.Hope by taking baby out i might loose some of the weight i have gained. :rolleyes:

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh don't i know it Barb!!

I have now gone up by 1 1/2 stones! :eek:

I'll have to join weight watchers forum too! lol :p

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Hi Buffy

What did you think of Big Brother last night?. I know this is wrong forum so i will add that my no-smoking is going really well.:cool:

I`m allways fliting between this forum and BB forum.

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Heya Barb,

I usually go on aol BB forum but i haven't this year! I should jump in there again. Which forum do you go on?

I think ziggy over reacted with his salmon roe lollol

It's hard, i think it's so obvious that Pauline's a fake!! and the food !! i didn't believe it on friday then low and behold she is fake! :rolleyes:

The food was funny i loved carole being all matter of fact 'oh yeah defiantly possum brains, not crocodile seamen' (Tofu!) hehehe ROFL i was in hysterics!!

Was starting to get grumpy with everyone being so grumpy!! now it's livened up again :D

I don't trust Ziggy or Nicky as far as I can spit!

Other than that i have no favorites yet, i liked Johnathon shame he had the bereavement x x

What you think?

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I have 'the sun' big brother rss feed and 'heat magazine' big brother rss feed :D lollol

Heat magazine has the clip of the twins with colanders on there heads discovering that they are

'"psychopathic" AAHhhhhhhhhhh Scissors, AAhhhhhhhhh'

in the diary room ROFL I love that clip i laugh so hard every time i watch it!!


nsd_user663_1931 profile image

I use channel 4 BB forum.

I to have no favorite at the moment. I dont like Ziggy or Chanelle. I did like Johnathon aswell . I loved his sense of humour.He was very quick witted.

I dont know if this fake thing will last much longer. They are all suspious.

I watch it live every night. My all time best BB housemate was Brian.

Looking forward to this fake eviction just to see faces on HMs.:D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

oh yes i am so hoping charley comes out, sees them all slagging her off then back in she waltzes :D Man i will hear her from here :D hehehe

I got 4 OD ~ to catch up with chnl4 programs ~ i could be here in front of my laptop all day! hehehe how did i ever live without all this technology?!

My rss feeds go ...............

'zig and chan split' , 'zig and chan together again' , 'zig and chan split' , 'zig and chan together again' , 'zig and chan split' , 'zig and chan together again' , 'zig and chan split' , 'zig and chan together again' , 'zig and chan split' , 'zig and chan together again'

:rolleyes: and so forth so dull and boring! :rolleyes:

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