Start again: Hi all, well what can I say I... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_deleted profile image

Hi all, well what can I say I have messed up. Only excuse is I had such a s*** day at work yesterday felt very down so yesterday I had two cigs.

I promise just the two, I felt so bad I had let myself down, nobody knows at home because I did it in secret that made it worse as my family are saying how well I am doing.

Why did I do that, I was so up tight yesterday I felt if I did not have a cig I would go crazy so of came my patch, I later put it back on but then felt sick so took it of again.

I felt I was doing so well so now I am back to day 1 again, I really want to do it this time tried before and failed and one time I went for 6 months.

Feel very down today for letting myself down and everyone else.

I will get back to you later this evening.

Joan X

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nsd_user663_deleted profile image
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7 Replies
nsd_user663_1988 profile image

Don't beat yourself up about it. All you can do now is to brush yourself off and start again. No-one here will judge you as we all know what you're going through. It's those people who have never smoked who don't know what its like to give up smoking who tend to tut and shake their head. Just ignore them.

Chin up!

Barney :)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Joan

Sorry about your slip but thats all it was just forget it carry on and when you feel like you want one next time remember how upset you will be if you have one. Dont beet your self up babe just keep on quiting lindaxxxx

nsd_user663_1931 profile image

Morning Joan

As Boudee says , your not back to day 1. I had a slip up but carried on with day 15 at the time.

You will get stronger by the day and we all know how hard it is to give up.

Don`t you worry Joan. You will beat this.

Love to you x

Barb x

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I am also agree with all the above x x x

Onwards and upwards x x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1989 profile image

Hi joan, just want to offer my support with everyone else and say dont worry about, two fags isnt the end of the world, just wipe the slate clean and carry on as before youre doing great! :)

nsd_user663_1981 profile image

Joan, I was in exactly the same position as you yesterday

So, I've just had first ciggie in 3 days.

The amazing revelation is: I do not feel less stressed.

It did not help. If anything I am now more stressed that I let myself fall so easily, and am back at square 1.

Cigarettes do not help reduce stress levels, they are just a way to excuse yourself from the situation (and go outside away from the telephones). Just walking around the office for 5 minutes would have had the same effect. (Or posting a message on here :p )

Still there is nothing I can do about the past. Won't beat myself up about it.

Feeling crap about yourself is not going to help, really. Considering most people probably fall and then lapse into full time smoking, to have the resolve to see it was wrong should only make you more determined.

Try and spot what the 'route cause' was for having the ciggie. This should help in identifying what the trigger was. If you know what the trigger is, then you can be prepared for it next time, and already have the mind set to act differently.

It's not the mistakes you make that define you, it's how you deal with it that does.

I sound like a very cheesy self help book. Apologies

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

The cheesy self help mode is very helpful Wabbit!! keep it up :D

Your very good at it :p

Not what you're looking for?