What Have I Got Myself Into??????? - No Smoking Day

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What Have I Got Myself Into???????

nsd_user663_1686 profile image
28 Replies

I have somehow agreed to take part in a 10km run with 4 other work mates who have given up smoking within the last 3 - 4 weeks. :eek: On 1st June my work is going to be completely smoke free and the Director wants to promote it by getting ex-smokers to do this run.

The last time I did any serious running (if you could call it that!) was the 800 meters at school, which was about 20 years ago. :(

Our Director (who recently kicked the habit) is organising it so I can't back out of it. To be honest part of me is quite exicited to see if I could actually do it, but another part of me is so worried I'm going to make myself look a complete idiot in front of the whole organisation!!


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nsd_user663_1686 profile image
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28 Replies
nsd_user663_1696 profile image


Hey Mumshack,

Good for you, bet you are secretly feeling a little proud to have excepted such a challenge.....as long as you can get out to train a few times a week, you will do just fine!

I have done the London to Brighton Bike Ride and would like to do it again but as a non smoker, reckon I had to add on an hour to my time for all the fag breaks I stopped to have!

Anyway keep us posted.......

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Sounds cool! what is the run for? If it's fund raising then I am sure Running is not necessity, walking is fine too.

Just make sure you do some training brisk walks at the week end and so forth.

Have you seen ~ Serens ~ link? nosmokingday.org.uk/forum/s...

You'll be fine and what a great focus!

Go for it and Enjoy it x x x x x

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

Hey mumshack, you had better get yourself a training schedule and fast!! Don't do a Jade Goody and not train at all. 10k is about 6 miles which is not too bad but bad enough if you are not used to running but perhaps you could aim to run some of it and walk the rest. You will certainly gain a lot from it. I am training at the moment for a bikeathon in aid of Leukemia, it is 26 miles:eek: I have started training this week after treating myself to a bike and all the paraphenalia (which I could afford after saving on fags) - I am really looking forward to it - it is a route through London.

Anyhow, good luck and I know you can do it - something to aim for and focus on - good on you;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

OOhhh Ruby thats fantastic! have you got an online sponser form?

If you goes past me I'll wave :D

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

I received all my stuff in the post Buffy so am not sure how you could sponsor me? Let me have a think on this one....................

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Thanks For The Support

You are all right........I am really excited about having a go at it, because I wouldn't have even considered it a couple of months ago, but I am still rather worried I have bitten off more than I can chew. I've decided that I'm going to go for some light jogs during my lunch hour and gradually build them up. I did suggest we did it with roller skates on but I don't think our Boss would be up for that!!

Well better sit down and put together some kind of fitness plan, so I don't make a fool of myself!!!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Theres a link to an online form on this page (bottom righthand corner) londonbikeathon.co.uk/ if its the same bikeathon.

It's a great way to get sponsors because you'll get them from people like us from all over the UK you don't have to meet anyone or give out any details!

You are all right........I am really excited about having a go at it

Good ! Glad you've come round and feeling calmer mumshack hehe Roller-skates!! :eek: rofl think walking/running will be easier!

Also you should look up online sponsorship if it's an organised fundraising thingy

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

Buffy - you are such a wizz on the computer huh? I will look on the website tonight or over weekend as am at work and very busy and am too busy to do it now (although can't stop myself logging in every so often to see what everyone is up to!)


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Glad to be of help :D Think it's a cool idea on there part as so many people have internet mates but don't like to pass details etc

Good Luck x x

nsd_user663_1736 profile image

oh WOW Mumshack... 10K eh? :D your brave! and it's two days before my race...

How's the training and plan going?

I'm going out for my first run tonight...

keep in touch with your progress

Seren xXx

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Joined The Gym!!

Hi. I've decided to put my all into this, because I am not going make myself look stupid. So the money I have saved (not smoking) has been spend on my 1st month's gym membership and I have kitted myself out in tracksuit and running shoes.

I've got an gym induction today at 2pm....... not really looking forward to being told that I'm unfit, but no pain, no gain. I'm trying so hard to stay positive!!!!

How are you getting on? Good luck with your run tonite. Keep in touch

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

wooo going for gold mumshack! good for you!

Let us know how the induction went! :D good luck and have fun! x x

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Red Faced, But Feel Good

Hi Buffy

Just got back. Considering I've not done any running for 20 years (apart from running for the odd bus) and I've been smoking 20 a day for the last 18 years, I think I did OK. I'm not sure if this is good, bad or indifferent but I jogged for 15 mins and travelled 1km. Does anyone know how that rates? Well I'm pleased with what I did and I feel pleased with myself, although a little red in the face still!!!

Going back tommorrow for another stint. The trainer said he would write a programme for me.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Sounds good to me!! hehe

Your going again tomorrow thats a good sign lol Personal fitness instructor! how posh is that! hehe Nice one!!

So very very well done mumshack! Your an inspiration!


nsd_user663_1775 profile image

I have somehow agreed to take part in a 10km run with 4 other work mates who have given up smoking within the last 3 - 4 weeks. :eek: On 1st June my work is going to be completely smoke free and the Director wants to promote it by getting ex-smokers to do this run.

The last time I did any serious running (if you could call it that!) was the 800 meters at school, which was about 20 years ago. :(

Our Director (who recently kicked the habit) is organising it so I can't back out of it. To be honest part of me is quite exicited to see if I could actually do it, but another part of me is so worried I'm going to make myself look a complete idiot in front of the whole organisation!!


i think thats a wicked idea, good luck!!


nsd_user663_1686 profile image

My Legs Ache!!!

Just come back from gym after my second session. My legs are aching a bit today. Didn't really notice it until I started running. Even more pleased today because up was able to up my speed, but what really did it was that I thought the machine was telling me the distance in km when in fact in was in miles. So today I ran 1.6km in just over 12 mins.

Was planning on going to the gym every day, but I'll see how sore my legs are tommorrow!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D way to go mumshack! a gym addict so much betterer than a nicotine addict! Lol

Yes I think a few sessions a week to start then up it to everyday! don't want to knock yourself out!!

Well Done you! I am proud of you, you must be feeling Well Chuffed!!

nsd_user663_1736 profile image

Hay Mumshack, tha's really good going!

I'm training to do 5K in 50/60 mins - if that helps...

I bought myself some new gear, so I can't wait to get out there - it's amazing how much you can offoerd when you give up smoking!

My first run was hard going... :( instead of running for 2 walking for 1 we done it the other way around :o Have to see how it goes 2mora night.

I keep telling myself things can ONLY get easyer!!

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Feeling a little sore today

Hi. Well I think the trainer overdone it with me yesterday because I am really sore today! Instead of going for a run later, I've decided to just go for a stroll on the treadmill!!! One thing I have noticed is that I haven't smoked for 25 days and I am hardly getting any cravings at the moment. It's probably best described more as an odd thought, rather than craving. I know I was a bit shocked when I agreed to do this run, but I think in some way it is helping me by concerntrating on something else. A couple of weeks ago I was feeling really low and depressed, but now (along with your support and kind words) I'm feeling quite good about myself.

Seren, sounds like your doing really well.:D Keep us updated on how the training is going. When are you doing your run?

Question: :confused: Has anyone noticed that their gums are bleeding when brushing your teeth? Mine are bleeding quite a bit, so I have tried to brush them gently but they are still bleeding. I'm not sure if it is a symptom of giving up smoking or that I need to go to the dentist.

Thank you everyone for your kind words & support

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

Hi mumshack

Two things to tell you:

1) My gums were bleeding constantly before I gave up smoking and now they don't bleed at all. I went to dentist yesterday for a polish and she thought it was fantastic that I had stopped and she told me that the chemicals in the fags poison your gums and eventually your teeth drop out!! That's why I assumed that my gums bled because they were so soft.

2) I have started training for the London Bikeathon I am doing for Leukemia research in July. It has been wonderful going out on my bike at my age although my kids think I look crazy with my get up on but I don't care.

If anyone wants to they can sponsor me online but don't feel you have to.

Good luck with your training, you are better than me going to gym


nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Bleeding Gums & Legs still ache!!!

Hi Rubymiller, thanks for your postings. I never really had any trouble from my teeth or gums while I smoked. The bleeding gums have come in the last couple of days. I've always used a medium toothbrush and was always quite hard while brushing. I'm going to see if I can get a soft toothbrush and hope that it sorts it out. I really hate going to the dentist, so I won't go unless I really need to.

How far is your bike ride? Good luck :) . How's the training been? I bet your children are really proud of you for giving up smoking and for doing this bike ride. I think I have overdone my training this week, because it's really painful to move around :( . Going to give it a rest for today. How long have you been a non smoker? Do you find that concentrating on getting fit for the bike ride is helping the cravings? I did read an article ages ago which said that it's proven to help smokers give up if they did as little as 5 minutes of exercise a day.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning all well done to you all doing sporty things. It has made me think about my own fitness. My daughter is talking about doing the ome for Breast cancer in swansea she is a non smoker. My be i should go along to the gym with her because I been finding the last day or two a bit hard with my quit dont know why. Day 23 now would think it would be getting better. Good luck to you all on your goals your all doing great. love Linda

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh Linda!!

You really should it would be fantastic!! Remember it is a charity fundraiser too not a hot competition!! So you can walk too, the gym would give you a great focus too x x Go for it!!!!

Congrats on Day 23!! Keep up the good work!! :D

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Bleeding Gums

Thanks for putting my mind at rest. As you say all these little things come to light and you end up sitting there thinking is it because I am no longer smoking? could it be something else? or am I becoming a hypochondriac?????

nsd_user663_1686 profile image

Morning all well done to you all doing sporty things. It has made me think about my own fitness. My daughter is talking about doing the ome for Breast cancer in swansea she is a non smoker. My be i should go along to the gym with her because I been finding the last day or two a bit hard with my quit dont know why. Day 23 now would think it would be getting better. Good luck to you all on your goals your all doing great. love Linda

Hi Linda, Well done on getting to day 23 :D I remember having some low points and I found it really difficult to lift myself bck up. I'm not pounding it down at the gym, but it has help lift my spirits and made me feel good about myself (even though I'm still aching after the last couple of days!). Give it a go, what have you got to loose? Good Luck

nsd_user663_1629 profile image

Hi Rubymiller, thanks for your postings. I never really had any trouble from my teeth or gums while I smoked. The bleeding gums have come in the last couple of days. I've always used a medium toothbrush and was always quite hard while brushing. I'm going to see if I can get a soft toothbrush and hope that it sorts it out. I really hate going to the dentist, so I won't go unless I really need to.

How far is your bike ride? Good luck :) . How's the training been? I bet your children are really proud of you for giving up smoking and for doing this bike ride. I think I have overdone my training this week, because it's really painful to move around :( . Going to give it a rest for today. How long have you been a non smoker? Do you find that concentrating on getting fit for the bike ride is helping the cravings? I did read an article ages ago which said that it's proven to help smokers give up if they did as little as 5 minutes of exercise a day.


My bike ride is 26 miles!!:eek: The training has just started, we are going out 3 times a week and I love it! I am doing it with my daughter and her boyfriends mum and some others. I think you have not stretched after you're training sessions, this is really important. Don't stretch before just after.

I have been a non smoker since January 21st - I am in my 11th week and I am beginning to feel so much better, the cravings have definitely subsided a lot more but not gone completely. I don't think they ever will because I only gave up for health reasons, I am not one of those horrid ex-smokers!

I have really changed since I gave up smoking in so many different ways though, you have more concentration for everything I think including getting fit. You need to be active to counteract all the extra eating (which I do excessively!)

Will keep you posted with my training! x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi to you all thanks for my posts about my bad days. feel a bit better today I will beat them I wount like to not be one of our gang of quiters. we are all in this together. ROCK ON Party tonight at Buffys and Boudees see you all there linda xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Woooo Hooooo Nice one Linda :D glad your feeling better today x x x x

Yeah can't wait for the party tonight :D hope we get a good turn out!! Bring a bottle if you can!!

I lost your post there for a Minuit mumshack saw it yesterday but did not have time to speak, it is that Buffy you know you can't get a word in edge ways

HAha like to get yer digs in don't you?! thought I wouldn't notice that one did yer?! Well I may well yabber on ten to the dozen but at least I can spell 'Minute'


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