What made you quit smoking and did you succ... - No Smoking Day
What made you quit smoking and did you succeed in your journey? (Please feel free to comment too on your vote/response)

I quit 17 months ago cold turkey as was very scared smoking was going to kill me if I didn't stop - this was my second attempt and I seem to be solid in my quit this time (touch wood!)

Hi my name is Julie I quit five months the 14th of febuary I did it for the baby I hve been smoking a long time
Welcome juliecakes - are you still in your quit? If so, perhaps, create an introductory post with your story
I Am styll not smoking using a Vape at the moment I stopped bcoz I have a 19 month old son I didn't want to kiss hi. Not with fag breath or smell fag's on his clothes plus my x partner said he had emphysema but lied I thought I dont wanna have that so thats just a couple of reasons

I quit more than 2.5 years ago mostly to try to prevent all the damage that comes with smoking, especially COPD as that's something that most smokers get if they smoke for long enough. Struggling to breath for the rest of your life doesn't sound like fun and can take many years to end, unfortunately.
I'd say I succeeded in my journey, as I haven't taken a single puff since I quit nor I used any form of nicotine. Having said that, I recognize that I am still an addict and I seriously doubt I could "just smoke one or two from time to time" if I ever tried it again.
kacmins My advice to you: stay away from any cheat puff. I quit for 5 years after 15 years of smoking, never craved it, then had one or 2 and relapsed for a year. Now I'm quitting all over again, and it seems harder than the first time around. Try to always remind yourself that it was never good to smoke, and you deserve to stay away because you've put so much effort to quit. I know I undid that effort and disrespected my body and will, but I'm up for the challenge again. Congrats always for quitting
Eric, thank you for the support. I guess we all become relaxed and think we could handle a couple of cigarettes after all that time. I am sorry to hear it's been harder than the first time you quit, more the reason to stay quit for good now. Keep it up!

I quit just over a month ago, and first and foremost I quit for the sake of my son, he's 10 and at an impressionable age. I don't want him to smoke or perhaps one day see me suffer smoking related illnesses. Also, I'm getting married this year so kinda need all the spare money we can get!

I quit almost 17 months ago. I had tried to quit several times before and have been successful this time BUT I know that I can never have just one puff or I'll be back smoking again. I quit because I was ashamed to be a smoker and hated the damage I was doing to my health and the control cigarettes had over me.
in 24 days i have given up smoking for 2 years because my husband wanted to give up and yes he still smokes .. but after 6 years of smoking after given up smoking for 6 years and for off and on smoking since 1989 . Even now after so many female problems i have got , every now and then i want a ciggie but i keep saying i have come this far Carry On
Welcome Hidden - can you just clarify how long you are quit for your milestone badge?
my last cigarette was on wednesday 25th feb 2015@11pm so on the 26th feb 2017 is my 2nd year
Wow! Well done Hidden - congratulations - any advice or tips would be most welcome here especially for our newbies
if you are struggling or feel like the four wall are getting you down and you are craving for that one fag put your coat on , go for a walk , take a few deep breaths .
My mantra is: i have come this far and i know i can do this and JUST carry on one step at a time

I think it was the time..after 29 years of smoking since age of 14..the day of quitting this horrible drug came 1 month ago..I am at peace, even if I still struggle, my mind is set. The smoking era is over!

I quit ten months ago, my kiddies were always on about my black lungs and that I was going to die, so I promised them I would stop when I was forty, and I did!! Touch wood!! π
I stopped jan 4 the. I was admitted in the hospital, they put a patch on me. 3 days later I'm home and thought let's do this. I wasn't enjoying smoking, all I did was cough my head off. They cost so much. Both my hubby and I stopped. It isn't easy, but this time I believe I can do it.
I quit cold turkey six months ago. So far so good! I'm. About ten pounds heavier but I'm not longer winded when I'm walking or trying to work. I also look so much younger now.

Ticked several boxes - probably could have ticked them all!
Cold turkey worked for me. But I think in all honesty the thing that really worked was that i wanted to stop and made what was, for me, a simple decision to choose not to smoke a cigarette - and then keep repeating the same decision.
Almost 8 years later and there is genuinely no desire to smoke at all. In fact the thought of it is decidedly unpleasant. Early on in my quit I formed the mindset that I was not giving something up - instead I was gaining so much.
Stay positive and it really does work. Being smoke-free is absolutely achievable. If I can do it, after 30+ years of smoking, anyone can.
5 Years ago I stopped smoking because I clicked on a page on Facebook promoting Allen Carr easyway to stop smoking. I bought the book off eBay and stopped as soon as finish reading the book. Didn't think it would work. The power of the mind is wonderful.
Congratulations to everyone that has quit! It's big whether it's a day quit or 2 years quit. Each small victory adds up. Keep up the hard work! I quit quite a while back and used vaping to quit. I'm at 0mg nicotine now. I quit so I can see my kids grow up and get married and so I can annoy my wife for as long as possible.

Im on quit day 4 cold turkey the cravings r so hard, diagnosed with copd a year ago at the age of 32 symptoms have been getting a lot worse lately so its time to grab the bull by the the horns and quit smoking
Welcome beck241 and congrats on now Day 6! I too quit cold turkey 18 months ago, bumpy road but so worth it - perhaps create a new post introducing yourself and your story so it will get seen on the news feed as we have quite a few new members at the same stage as yourself and can support each other

I quit cold turkey a month as terrified and finally realized I was slowly killing myself...

I quit last July 18th, 2017, had one relapse and eversince have been smoke free. Can't imagine going back to smoking. I'm done with the sleepless nights and having less and less cravings day by day. My craving for food is back to normal now, working out hard to lose that 2kg I gained after I quit. I've never felt this good with myself.

I caught the flu and could not smoke for two weeks. I did not feel the need to ever smoke again. Been three years and never had one craving.

Hey all....Just started 4 days ago today is my first no smoking day ,I'm using chantix so see how this goes,need to quit smoking not by choice, need surgery on lower back doc won't do it unless I'm smoke free,blew a 36 on the co test,but I was smoking a cig write up to entering door of doc office,how long do you have to stop before you blow a 0 or what ever they consider a passing score,I like to get this over and really put my mind to this and stop smoking completely,it's been to long and maybe this is a wake up calll....any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated ππΌββοΈππΌββοΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ
Welcome Shatman and congratulations on now Day 6 smoke free! Hope it is going ok for you?
Thanks for participating in this poll but perhaps you would better to create a new introductory post to share your story and get the help and support from other members as it will appear in our news feed....
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