What quitting method did you use? (Please... - No Smoking Day
What quitting method did you use? (Please provide comment on reason for method used)

I quit cold turkey to get the nicotine out of my system as soon as possible and that my body could start the long healing process

Champix has worked really well for me so far. I haven't had any bad side effects. It needs to be taken straight after a main meal because you can feel a bit nauseous if you take it on an empty stomach.
Quit cold turkey get away from addiction to nicotine as soon as possible. Boy has it been tough, 10 weeks now, getting easier but still taking it day by day

I used an ecig because I liked smoking too much and needed a substitute

I've been on patches only some days with and some days without a patch , coming up to three months on Saturday, back on full training as I did slip due to how I was feeling in the early days , feeling good and the craves are slowing down

Quit with Champix, NRT, Smoking Cessation Meetings, this forum....used every bit of help I could find...And it worked!

RoisinO1 . I think you wrote my post for me. My reason is identical to yours.
Cold Turkey and get rid of the Nicotine - fast.
Patches this time to help ease any cravings and make the quit that wee bit easier

I used champix, I only had half doses throughout the course of treatment as it made me physically sick regardless of having it with food/without food or time taken.
Cold turkey so that I could also break the association with nicotine addiction in all its forms. NRT or any other substitute simply wouldn't have made sense for my objective although I undertand why it is a preference for some.
I was lucky though...I timed my quit with a surgery where three key driving factors were at work for me:
1. I had researched all the possible complications and risks associated with smoking after the surgery and it scared me. The fear of infection and blood clotting after surgery and smoking was greater than the fear of quitting. I tricked my mind into thinking back then that at least I could quit temporarily for a week or two after the surgery to allow my blood to be rid of nicotine . I really wanted my body to heal best without complications so I decided not to take nicotine in any shape so that blood could send nutrients to the two surgery spots as well as heal the swelling . Nicotine would have prolonged the healing. Tons of medical reports recently proved this (relationship between nicotine smoker's and hernia operations).
2. The pain killers prescribed to me after surgery were strong enough that I felt groggy and had no physical withdrawals that I was aware of during the critical first 72 hours of physical withdrawals. I was uncomfortable enough after the surgery that I wouldn't have known the difference between withdrawal discomfort and post surgery discomfort.
3. Once I realized that I had made it through the first 72 hours without a cigarette and without really needing or thinking about it, I came to realize that I should continue my quit cold turkey indefinitely. I also understood that my greatest challenge will be psychological.

I tried nicotine lozenges but gave me terrible headaches, so decided to go cold turkey
I used an ecig because I liked smoking too much and needed a substitute
. Also as a heavy smoker the withdrawal was very badly . I didn want to get out of the home. so......now 10months pass...and going...
I used e-cig after several attempts with pills.patches and more.
I needed the hand to mouth thing.
it served me well.

I used 1/2 dose of Champix due to side effects and hypnosis and e cig 0% nicotine for the hand to mouth thing! Oh and read Allen Carr! Working so far! X x

Wanted nicotine out of my system and to start healing asap!

cold turkey as didn't want to delay the inevitable and begin my recovery as soon as.....

cold turkey as wanted the withdrawal of nicotine over and done with quickly

cold turkey - like others have said, wanted the nicotine withdrawal over with..

Cold turkey - the moment was just right. Was a bit like jumping on a bucking bronco at first but got a whole lot easier after a while

I used an e-cig to break the habit. I only used it for a few weeks though as I did not want to replace one habit with another. Giving up the e-cig was nothing like giving up cigarettes.

I used gum and lozengers for the first couple months, started at 4 mg for a month then down to 2 mg. I felt it was better for me to ease off the nicotine.
This forum has helped me more than anything!! I don't post much but knowing I'm not alone in this has been a huge strength for me.

Hi RoisinO1 it says I voted for NRT.

I decided that cold turkey was going to be too difficult for me - I recognise my 'hard core' attachment to a roll up was going to be tough for my weak approach. I have to give up smoking as I have had a stroke - I didn't want to. But, with the use of a vape - I have become evangelical about giving up. I am on day 44 today and have reduced the nicotine strength in my vape from 12 to 10 to 8 and now for the past 2 days I am on 6mg. In fact, I have been awake for some time this morning and not yet touched my vape. When I was a smoker, I would have had at least two roll ups by now. The vape is enough 'comfort' to east the cravings - I feel I can do this.

I am currently using a 7 mg patch as opposed to stepping down from higher doses for 10 days. I don't think the patch really helps much, but I'm not smoking and that's all that matters. I feel withdraws and they aren't pleasant, but it gives me even more incentive not to go back to the poison and to have to start all over again. Doesn't matter how we quit, as long as we do. No one is better than the other for how they quit. Always remember that! We are all only given one day at a time to make the right decision not to smoke. God Bless!