What are your warnings/triggers to beware o... - No Smoking Day
What are your warnings/triggers to beware of during your quit that may cause relapse?
Please select all that apply:

I think all 3 could trigger it

Unfortunately, I have relapsed after almost 10 months due to complacency that one won't matter, please don't it, it really is absolutely terrible the feeling and the regret you have.....

I relapsed after 6 months, thought I could've an occasional smoker.
The other for me is the feeling of relaxation I felt, at the same time it acted as a stimulant!
Weird but true for me.

Trying to give up fags is the hardest thing a smoker can do you have to beat old nicotine, I first tried 28 years ago or there abouts, I was driving HGV vehicle west bound on the M4 and I started to cough, that cough got so violent that I passed out. 32 ton truck travelling at 60 mph on the motorway and driver has passed out, way to go, i came to before I hit any body else or killed my self thank God, got on the hard shoulder and had the sense to phone the police, I ended up in hospital for ten days, one Doc made a comment about more wind in corpse. A female Doctor asked me if I was trying to stop smoking, yes said I why she said, now what did she want to hear, I don't want to get cancer, don't worry about she said they will cut your left leg off first, What the bloody hell has my leg got to do with smoking, you have a very weak pulse in the that leg. Worried the life out of me, so much so that when the company I worked for sent a car to collect me the first thing I did was have a fag just to beat the stress that was it for another year, then I had to have a medical for another job which was for non smokers, so I said yes I've stopped, how long ago about three months I said, just as well said the Doc you have a very weak pulse in your left leg all this stress better have a fag, didn't get the job. In the mean time a very old friend of mind went missing, when I saw his wife asked her where has Tommy got to, oh its really bad they have had to cut his leg off to save his life. That was the last time I had a fag I stopped there and then.
I hope I haven't bored you with this little story, but I all ways think of Tom and his leg when I see things about smoking and I know how hard it can be to stop it is a really powerful drug. You have a real fight on your hands but you can win. so if you like when the going gets hard think of Tommy and his leg , he died eight months after it was removed.
Just to put you to sleep I still have my leg, since I gave up I have run 13 marathons including the London, I have also done London to Brighton bike ride 6 times, God I love my left leg. I rode this year and got to Brighton in 4 fours. Not bad for an olden.
Thanks for sharing such a powerful and inspirational story Grandad.....
How are you getting on with becoming a world renown Chef.
I hope my little tales of woe don't bore people, I know I can really get carried away with the desire to stop the world from smoking.
Ah grandad thanks for bringing a smile to my face there, world renown Chef would be some dream! I am starting my 2 year course on 05 September....feeling very positive about it especially after researching something that happened me yesterday, I was out gardening in the beautiful weather we are having and found a little black feather in my hallway, I was anxious that it was black and looked it up a few moments ago and it apparently is a message from a angel to tell me major change is on its way and to pay attention. that it is good change for me and they will follow me on my new journey, reckin its my dear granny telling me I am doing the right thing
PS You're tales are inspiring and not bit boring, thank you for sharing and continue with these tales.....
Great story Grandad - I know of someone who nearly lost her feet through smoking. That was enough to scare her into it and she's been quit over 2 years now. It's always cancer you think of though isn't it ... or emphysema at a push ... you don't think about all the other diseases/illnesses you can get from smoking.
You are so right that is the one isn't don't want cancer. Over the years I have done a lot of different courses most to do with "elf " & safety, on one I had a back pain, The instructor pointed out that it might be caused by the fact that I had been a heavy smoker, he showed some medical photos of a spine of a smoker and where the nerves leave the back bone the holes had all elongated so the nerves could move. He pointed out that as blood carries good old nicotine all round the body they is not one part of the body that not is effected by smoking. Whether that is right or not I can't prove one or the other, but it makes sense to me.
Ban the weed.
All right I'm going.
grandad thank you for that motivational story , as one who is still in the nic camp ,you really hit the spot . I have set a quit date but unlike before when i told the world and his wife , then promptly faltered at the first hurdle;im not telling any one but me until ive almost completed day one or i need to come on here and take support. I want to make it as easy and gentle on me as I can . I have saved this thread to reread your story ..
You can only ever do this for your self, believe me its no good telling everyone what you are trying, sometimes you will find that you get very little support. Nicotine is a powerful drug and you have a battle on your hands, I don't have all the answers, different things work for different people. For me it was easy because what happened to my old friend it was like being hit in the face with a hammer. If need be you get on here every day if you need that support it will be given, I'll check every day to make sure, if I don't see you I'll get the gang to come looking for you.
If it will help you I was a heavy smoker sixty a day, untipped as well I had been smoking from the age of ten, I started work when I was ten, after school every day down to the fruit and veg market, I was a barrow boy. Not very bright but I could lift heavy things and all the big kids used to give me fags. So the course was set for me, in the end it would have killed me, if I ever meet up with Tommy I'll buy him a pint or two.
I got it so inbeded in my head that stopping was easy and I had a self centered feeling that only I knew I was never going to smoke again, after a while people would say "have you stopped " no just don't fancy one now, then they wouldn't offer me any.it never leaves you even now I sometimes think just one. its never going to happen. put up with that hell again no way.
I'll be thinking of you, sending my best wishes across cyber space.

grandad ...❤️ Truly an inspirational and surreal story. I'm sorry about your friend but I'm happy to hear how his tragedy made you strong. Congratulations on your personal successes
Should've had a button for all of the above. I've failed/relapsed so many times over the years and used every one of those reasons/excuses - except for the weight gain which oddly had never bothered me.

After a stressful day I went to the pub and after a few drinks I stupidly said to myself just 1 won't hurt me. Next trip to the pub was 2 or 3 and before I knew it I was smoking again behind my family's back

For me it's weight, can truly say, alcohol, coffee does not impact with me .
and tiredness ..

Good weather another possible re-lapse

Relapsed after 2 weeks quit while on a night out and the complacency of 'one won't matter' when the alcohol was in....

Cigarettes being available in the house.