What made you choose this Quit Smoking Comm... - No Smoking Day
What made you choose this Quit Smoking Community?
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I was led here after searching for Alan Carr in a search engine 8yrs ago. I hung about for a few years being inspired by people who had lead the path before me. There was also a very good bunch of members who provided wisdom and entertainment
Thank you Tomatpots for completing the poll and providing feedback. Wow! Are you 8 years smoke free, that is amazing?! Well done and congratulations
Yeah, the current community here is steadily growing slowly but surely and have a great bunch of members. Your expertise whenever you get a chance would be most welcome as have a few here over the 1 year mark. I will be there myself on 17 September...

As I have stated I gave up over 25 years ago, if I can do anything to help people stop I will, smoking very nearly killed me and nicotine is a powerful drug. I get real buzz when I see so many trying to quit, this is a great site. I don't have any secrets, I just know you are so much better off without fags.
At first I joined because it was easier than most forums. You didn't need a lot of information and I appreciated that. I stayed because it is very intimate. Not thousands of followers and it is very active. Forums such as this are hard to find.