Hi can eneyone help. I'm going out of my mind. I've had swollen lymph nodes in my neck for many years always told they was ok. My blood work as been of for a couple of years was referred to a hematologist she put it down to smoking. I have like a puffiness above left coller bone for around 2 years had a scan said was nuffin to worry about so got on with life then recently I found little lumps behind my left knee so seen doctor she checked me all over said they all seem small she's not concerned but will get a scan done of behind knee witch is tmoz she felt my groin said she couldn't feel none but I can so now I can feel lymph nodes in neck by collarbone groin and behind knee. Now I'm really scared I have lymphoma has eneyone else been threw the same. Thank you.
Dose it sound like lymthoma ? - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Dose it sound like lymthoma ?

The only way you will know is by having a biopsy on one if the nodes. I found out I had NHL when I had an enlarged node in groin, so best to request that. The scan may show something, but biopsy will show if there is anything there too.
To blame it on smoking is a but bizarre tbh. I am in remission now, but have always had the puffy bit between my collarbone, so that may be nothing.
Last thing is that lymphoma is no longer a definite sentence as there a lot of treatments out there.
So request a scan and biopsy to be sure.
Hopefully it will be nothing
The only way to know for sure is to have a biopsy done of one of the swollen nodes. If you have lymphoma, it must be a very slow moving, non-aggressive type.
I had a swollen lymph gland under my left armpit, and it was there for some time and I was thinking it was a cycst, as I have had several cysts in my life. One day I was near a hospital and I just want to have the cyst removed, and they found it was the lymph gland. They did the biopsy and told me it was malignant. I then went to a hospital with a cancer center and they sent me for a PWT scan, which revealed the infected glands were all over my upper body. I had chemo for 6 months, and followed a very strict diet of virtually no carbs, no acid producing foods, lots of alkaline, and two years of drinking wheat grass juice daily. That was 14 years ago and so far no reoccurrence.
Thanks for both your reply’s so just been for ultrasound scan the ones behind knee are not lymthnodes so not sure wat they are ones in kneck said look normal and the puffyness said looks like fat but I have to wait a week to see wat my doctor says
Be sure to have a node removed and sent off for biopsy. I had a needle punch biopsy first and mine came back negative. Had the node removed since it bothered me and that biopsy came back t-cell NHL. Swollen neck lymph nodes on one side of my neck that did not go away after antibiotic treatment was my only symptom. That was in 2012.
Hi thanks for your reply may I ask how long you had your lymth node ? Mine have been there pretty much years and I think that’s why they won’t take me seriously and put everything down to anxiety they say sometime lymth nodes never go back to usual size. The only reason I’m worried is because of my white blood cell has been high for the past 5 years they did test me for a lot of things including lukemia but all came back negative. So put this down to smoking also I’m always low in something first it was b12 then my iron was low and just now my folate acid is low.
Exactly same with me. Small lump in neck. Biopsied. It was cancer. You need to biopsy that immediately. Then get a PET scan. And a good experienced doctor.