Quick update here again. Got my 5th round of RCOP last week. It was kinda rough with nausea this time, but hey I'm still here. Started using a couple of the anti-nausea pills they gave me every day and that seems to have helped. Used gravol ginger before, as I wasn't getting bad nausea and the other ones were making me nauseous (I was taking 4, taking 2 now). Got a scan last week and my nodes have decreased by 50% or more and the hematologist is very pleased with the progress. Got one more round to go at the beginning of December, then a PET scan a month later to see if any nodes are still 'active'. They do reduce dramatically in size with treatment if it is working, but it is common to have scar tissue and this can sometimes make them a bit bigger. So my message is, keep in there folks, it will all be worth it in the end. You are going to feel crappy at some point, but it is all for the greater good. Good luck
Update after 5th RCHOP for follicular... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Update after 5th RCHOP for follicular NHL
Thanks for the update Russ. Number 5 was the toughest for me as well. Hang in there and stay strong!
Hi, Glad to hear the nodes have reduced their size! The R-CHOP protocol is hard on your body. I ended up with 8 1/2 cycles. The first 4 were interrupted with infections and a colonoscopy bag surgery. After the 4th one. I incurred a serious infection which hospitalized me for 7 days in the ICU. Almost died and got through it. Lost 52 pounds during my ordeal and was down to 123. The BIGGEST problem is the Doxorubicin is REALLY BAD ON THE HEART MUSCLES! I am 10 years in recession and was hospitalized in January with a TIA (minor Stroke) caused by my heart muscles being effected by the doxorubicin! My ejection rate was down to 10-15%. NOBODY told me to keep an eye on it closely? I am glad you are getting better! The nauseous did not effect me but like I said I lost 52 lbs.
I am alive but was in best of shape at 55 years old. Have several pain-in-the butt lasting things though? Neuropathy, Chemo Brain, arthritis is bad on some days and FATIGUE is 75% lower than before. BUT.... I am alive and glad to see my Grandkids grow up!
Take care and - NEVER EVER GIVE UP!