Just got results from my pet scan, all my lymph nodes have got bigger, my biggest one is 7cm goi gang to see my Dr next week to talk about treatment, anyone know what treatment I’ll need???
Lymphoma : Just got results from my pet... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...

For non Hodgkin lymphoma the first line of treatment is usually chemotherapy.
This was the case in the UK and USA a few years ago.
What type of Lymphoma do you have? I have Marginal Zone NHL and had 8 rounds of chemo -R-CVP. Try not to panic. Lymphoma is manageable and survivable x
Wishing you well Esther... I had stage IV NHL mantel cel and had enlarged glands from neck to groin, spleen and bone marrow. R-Chop treatment with Rituxin for 2 years 3 month. Am in remission... I am in Iowa, USA
There are some 60+ different types of NHL. Treatments vary widely by type and stage; once you know these you can research treatments at lymphoma.org or lls.org/
i had same symptoms only enlarged lymph nodes diagnosed with Follicular lymphoma grade 2,3 stage 3 and took bendamustine and rituxan. They will do a biopsy first too see what type of cancer, they might order pet scan of other parts od the body mine was everywhere but it you have in only in one side then it is stage one and treatment is different. Go for the new drugs they are less hamful do not have the side effects of CHOP. My only side effect is join pain since or after Chemo so try watch and wait for as long as posi le then do rituxan only if recimmended and if not then go for the newer targeted therapy is a treatment that targets the cancer's specific genes, proteins, or the tissue environment that contributes to cancer growth and survival. Good luck!!!
I’ve got them everywhere armpit, groin, neck, chest, stomach and under my chin. I’ve had biopsy and bone marrow biopsy and 4 Pet scans now, What is CHOP? And Rituxan? Did you loose your hair? Sorry so many questions.
The trick now is not to panic. You are where you are and you have to deal with it going forward.
You need to sit down with a lymphoma specialist and plan a course of treatment.
You need to make sure you are happy with the treatment and the specialist, that’s half the battle.
Wmway13241 above has lots of good research and websites.
Join a Facebook group too and read as much as you can about what’s going on inside you.
They say knowledge is power.
All the best
Esther66 If you do a search on internet they explain all the chemicals of R Chop. Off hand I can't remember all the names, but it is like 5 chemicals. It depends on the cancer cel type and stage number, like someone said and your oncologist will choose the best he knows that will help. Then you can decide if that's what you want to do. And yes, I lost my hair with R Chop. But with the Rituxian you do not loose your hair usually. Wishing you the best to come.
This is a very anxious time for you Esther and until you have a treatment plan your brain will be working overtime I was diagnosed nearly 2years ago with stage 4 NHL I have every faith in my Consultant and the treatment I received which was R Chops yes it was tough and I did loose my hair but to me it was worth it to be where I am now. You can do it Esther and I will be thinking of you xx
I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkinas Follicular Lymphoma Stage IV. Tumors in my eyes and a lot of other places. I have had 3 treatments of Rituxan+Bendamustine every 28 days. Saw tumors go down after 1 st round! I have been blessed with NO side effects at all It will all depend on what your doctor thinks is best. Prayers and good luck
best of luck and prayers