Do your kids play sports? One of the most common questions asked by parents of kids with kidney disease is whether contact sports are safe.
Playing Sports?: Do your kids play... - Parents of Childr...
Playing Sports?
My son is 13 and has a rare kidney disease called C3gn. He has been cleared to wrestle but he is on an immuno suppressant and trying to keep him hydrated through conditioning on top of all the other concerns stress us out. There is definitely a balance of trying to help our kids live a normal life as possible and have another layer other parents don’t have to think about. He wants to play football but we have not had that conversation with his dr yet. I know we would be purchasing the special padding if he were to do that.
My daughter is 12 years post-transplant and is very active and athletic. She plays non-contact sports like volleyball, track and tennis. She also plays basketball but we insist that she wears a kidney guard under her jersey in case she is hit by the ball or an elbow. She drinks extra fluid when she sweats excessively. She is immunosuppressed so we avoid swimming in public pools (so swim team was not an option) and she did not do gymnastics when she was younger for fear she would damage the transplanted kidney (mostly on the bar exercises). We find that as long she is given physical outlet options and the ability to be on a team her transplant is not really an issue (thankfully).