I’m a perfect match with my potential recipient and just went through final in-person testing - I’m healthy, have good blood work and have a great gfr. Do others know how much other factors (kidney size/differential, renal vascular elements, etc) besides those matter in the final decision process? For reference, I have 2 or 3 veins and arteries going out of both kidneys and it looks like my right kidney is the better one for the transplant than my left but I know the left is more common. I’ll find out from my medical team in a week to 10 days but it’s hard to sit in this place of not knowing as my test results come in and I wait for their final decision.
Most important factors in final donor ma... - Kidney Transplant
Most important factors in final donor match decision

You don't need to worry, if it is a perfect match and you are healthy, then there won't be any problem. Let the transplant team do their job.
Sounds like you will have no problem being approved to donate. I do know sometimes they transplant the right kidney; your the surgical group decide what would be best.
Hi- first let me thank you for giving someone their life renewing gift! I know for me personally the team is looking for a certain size of kidney for my body type but each person is different. It sounds like you are pretty far along in the process I hope all goes well for you and your recipient.
What an amazing person you are. My own sister was too scared to give me her kidne.y. I’m very happy for both of you. The doctors will decide what is best. It’s far too complex for a non-medical person to guess Leave it up to the experts. I wish you both all the best.