Well after ending up in hospital back in april with cmv viral loads of 20000000.I was discharged at virals of around 20000,after doing rounds of iv valganclovir in hospital then went home on the oral, the loads started creeping up and they found i got a resistance to that so was switched to the new maribivar and was doing great with loads down to 2700.Then I got a bad uti and dont know if this caused my cmv numbers to jump but they jumped from 2700 to 98000 to 274000 to 498000 in a matter of a week! Even though I dont feel sick from thise numbers at all but they think i have developed a resistance to the maribivir so they are wanting to put me on iv foscarnet and would have to have everyday for 1 month.
Foscarnet is toxic to kidneys never mind the very serious otger side effects and quite frankly i dont want it.I didnt go thru all this bullshit with this transplanted kidney in the last 14 months since i got it to have it get destroyed as the kidney i got was only a 50% one but my creatinine been pretty good with it at anywhere between 92 to 120.so like 43 to 53 gfr.
The foscarnet causes low hemoglobin,which i already have since ny uti and low leuckocytes.
It is like these drs dont see the forest for the trees,all they focused on is getting numbers down but never mind all the other bad crap that happens iinstead.I just wantt to say no,let my body try and fight it off now I gave gotten rid of bad uti.
Has anyone else been on foscarnet?
Plus they said they have never used before so that doesnt exactly instill confidence.