I am a 36-year-old man in excellent health, and I would like to donate one of my kidneys to someone in need. What steps should I follow to ensure that the procedure is done safely and legally? I'm O-
chokrimohamedhouitel@gmail.com: I am a 3... - Kidney Donation

In the U.S., to start, please visit the National Kidney Registry (NKR) to begin the living donor registration process at: nkr.donorscreen.org/registe...
You can also directly contact a transplant center (hospitals that perform transplant operations) in your area and ask to speak with a Living Donor Coordinator, who will provide you with more information and help you begin the evaluation process to become a donor.
To find a transplant center in your area in the U.S., visit: optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/me...
Select member type as “Transplant Centers by Organ”, then select organ type “Kidney", next specify member status as "Active" and lastly select your state.
***Please be advised that if you live outside of the U.S. and you are interested in living donation, we suggest that you contact local hospitals in your area that perform kidney transplants.***
You can find more detailed information about living donation on our website at: kidney.org/atoz/content/liv...
Thats great r u type o blood? If so call the live donor coordinator at 914-4494793 dealing with Maria Ferrari Hospital in Westchester, Ny My grandughter Hadley Needs One now shes been there 10 months and she is 19 months old thank u