The scan was a follow up of my abdomen after a bicycle accident 16 months ago, when I broke a number of ribs and had a grade four splenic injury, I'm still in a fair amount of pain discomfort which is why I had the scan. It showed up lesions in my left kidney, the GP gave me a printout of the scan report, but then, after I had read it, asked for it back. I've since googled lesions on kidneys which aren't reading well for someone aged 67. Should this be followed up ? The GP also said he'd ask if I could have the scan report and post it to me if it was allowed. I received it this morning, and a number of words have been deleted or altered, it now states I have 'simple hepatic cysts' with no reference to the left kidney. Am I being lied to? Gaslit?
CT scan with contrast dye showed lesions on... - Kidney Disease
CT scan with contrast dye showed lesions on left kidney

Hi, I personally would have thought so, however, the nhs don't follow up much these days. I don't know what u are diagnosed with, but I for one am sick of the inadequacies with follow ups to anything. In 20 months I've broken my back, arm, sternum, double mastectomy, now my hips are literally on firs, as are my shooulders, f.n.d. diagnosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, all of which I've been told by physio are titles that simply mean they don't have a reason for your pain!!
Renal cysts are very common. I have had multiple renal cysts for years and they are just fluid filled cysts. However, your report seemed to have changed from kidney to liver. At first they were telling you renal cysts, then the report showed hepatic cysts (liver). They are common as well and usually don't cause any symptoms. Good luck getting it all figured out and checking it out further for clarification and to make you feel better.
HI, I am not sure what the policies are in the UK, but here in the US I have requested copies of my written imaging results and a CD of the images directly from the imaging center. I can only speak for myself, but I believe those images are part of my medical records and are available, upon request. My current imaging center provides a feedback care that includes instructions on how to request copies of all images they produce. No doctor approvals are required. I have used copies of my images when seeking a second option or as a baseline for additional followups.
Agree with those saying simple cysts are quite common in the body. Hubby has one or two in his kidneys and also one in his brain. No one is concerned about them. They just sit there and exist. No, you're not being gaslit or lied to about your scans. A technician simply taking the scans "might" make an off-the-cuff interpretation (which shouldn't be given to you) while forwarding the scans to a doctor or a team of doctors to evaluate and diagnose. Those doctors, who have years of training and experience, produce the final report that matters.
Thank you for your response, but the name of the consulting radiologist was on both reports as was the same date, I find this very dubious, and shall be seeking reasons why there was the report that was printed from the computer in front of me on Thursday and a different report with the same date and electronic signature sent to me by post from the surgery I saw the original report. As the GP I saw knew the consultant radiologist, I'm hoping he had referred back to him, and after further viewing changed his original report. If the more senior GPs at the practice have done so, I want to know why. As will medical authorities.