I have finished taking antibiotics for h. pylori. In order to prevent h. pylori infection, I now eat home cooked hot foods. I drink bottled spring water and pour white vinegar in water for washing vegetables and fruits. I used to eat 2 apples a day but now dread eating them. How best should I wash apples.
Washing of vegetables and fruits, h pylori - Kidney Disease
Washing of vegetables and fruits, h pylori
Hi Hopetolive,
I wash all of my fruits in hot water and haven't had an issue.
What does your doctor think caused the . pylori infection?
Could be a clue.
Feel better and let me know what he/ she said and how you are.
He said I could have eaten vegetables, fruits or food infected with h. pylori. We use municipal tap water which in unlikely to have h. pylori. How hot is the water that you use for washing your fruits. Do you boil it? How do you wash your vegetables before you put them in the fridge? I tried washing spinach using water with white vinegar. But the spinach turned brown after just 2 days in the fridge.
I dread taking antibiotics again as it may be hard on my kidneys.
Thank you for your response
Hi Hopetolive,
Positive thinking that this won't happen again.
I read a bit about it; question - did you eat any take- out prior to this outbreak? It can come on from contaminated or uncooked food.
It also could have come from the tap water, but if no one else in your home got it; highly unlikely. We are punching in the dark.
When I buy fruits and steam vegetables I always use hot water and a clean paper towel; I don't leave anything on the counter.
Some may disagree, but especially since covid, my husband re-washes his apples with hot water and a bit of Dawn, rinses them and dries with a clean paper towel before he eats them. He's the scientist.
Vegetables are a bit more tricky. I have never used vinegar as a wash.
I know that fresh vegetables don't keep long unless they are packaged. If I buy fresh zucchini or eggplant, I wash them thoroughly and put them in a clean zip lock bag in the fridge.
When planning a recipe, I always rinse my veggies in very hot water and dry them with a clean paper towel and then par or fully cook them in the microwave before adding them to any broth or sauce. This includes cabbage, cauliflower, onions and peppers, eggplant and squashes. I also buy a lot of fresh frozen veggies.
I am plant based now, but prior, I always made sure that my meats were defrosted in the fridge and rinsed before cooking. Just a thought.
The important thing is that you are over this.
I know that it is not easy to say, but as long as you are up to it, don't be afraid to try a piece of apple; start small.
I hope that this helps..
Please reach back to me and let me know how you are doing and feeling.
I care.
I may have an answer to your apple eating by sharing my favorite recipe. I wash an apple under warm tap water. Then, i cut it up into chunks, sprinkle the chunks with cinnamon and a tat if sugar if allowed then microwave it for one and a half minutes. After the apple cools a little, i put a dollop of low fat Coolwhip on it and enjoy my kidney friendly "apple pie." Microwaving the apple should take care of any concerns you may have about eating the apple fresh. Enjoy and best to you .
You brought back a great memory! Mom used to make baked apples and initially serve them with cool whip. She would let the rest cool and refrigerate - great snack!