Kidney failure and the quacks... - Kidney Disease

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Kidney failure and the quacks...

Crowd1 profile image
2 Replies

Quacks are the people who are not qualified doctors. There are thousands of them in my country. Once they focus on your pocket, they will try to finish it soon. Friends be careful. When I had this problem for the first time, I tried many online quacks. They looted my pocket and complicated my problem. Luckily I had a good nephro doctor Dr. P. Sreenivas in Mysore, who took care of me so well. I am on dialysis now. Three of my friends who had the same problems tried the quacks along with me have lost their lives. By God's grace I am alive. Most of the quacks have made fake testimony videos and are cheating the gullible patients in India.

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2 Replies

There are quacks everywhere, and yes taking your money is their main goal, not helping you. They are all over the internet. I am glad you are doing well now. Stay safe and many blessings.

Sammi_n_Munk profile image

Hello Crowd1. I’m sorry to hear about all off the distress you’ve gone through. I am in full agreement with you. These people who falsely claim to be qualified doctors just to gain your trust for the purpose of taking your money, are despicable. Unfortunately, our world, although beautiful in many ways, is also full of greedy, contemptible people whose goals are only to accommodate themselves, with no care or concern for who they hurt. Anything done on the Internet should be done with caution, always.

Once again, I’m sorry for your distress. Do try to stay well, and try not to allow such people to consume you. They are not worth it. Remember, one day, they will have the universe to contend with, I’m sorry to say. They will realize that all of the pain they’ve caused others was not worth it.

All my best to you, Crowd1! God bless. 🙏😊👍

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