I am Stage 3 and applied to be a hospital volunteer before I was diagnosed with CKD. I have an orientation coming up and my intuition says to put off volunteering at a hospital for now, with the Coronavirus. Am I being too cautious? I am 68 years old with a history of cardiac arrest 9 years ago.
Hospital Volunteer: I am Stage 3 and applied... - Kidney Disease
Hospital Volunteer

I think it would be prudent to hold off on it for now. Having a chronic illness is a sufficient reason to delay that effort until the testing and organizing of the response get put together in a more efficient way. Right now it's a mess and doesn't appear to be getting better anytime soon. Of course, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Thanks Mr_Kidney for your response. I feel more confident in putting it off, following your opinion.

Welcome to the forum in which you will find support and information on CKD. I am 78 and CKD 3. Have you considered a Davita class, which is a good introduction to Chronic Kidney Disease.
Link to find a class in your area if in US.
This is a link to information on Corona Virus from Kidney Community Emergency Response which is part of CMS (Centers of Medicare Services
I am a nurse and stage 3 and I would rather not go to work right now. But I live in FL where we have active cases. If you are in a state that does not have active cases yet it may be OK. But it may also be wiser to wait until the government gets a handle on all of this. I hope it won't be forever until they do.
Thank you, Health Buddy Melissa. I'm sorry you have to work under the conditions
of this current threat. You and the other hospital staff desrve our extra appreciation
and recognition for your commitment to our healthcare.
You would have to have your head screwed on backwards to do this volunteer work now.
Yep, Marvin8, Thats exactly why I double checked...thanks for your answer.
Depending on one's definition of "elderly", you are in the vicinity, and you have a compromised health system. Seems to me to be a good reason to put it off.
Hey, a year and 1/2 after being diagnosed with ckd, I was diagnosed with lupus. Count your blessings.

HI Bpnirvana,
I am actually surprised that the hospital is still holding the training. I would advise you to call them and tell them your concerns and see if there is another orientation coming up in a while that you can participate in. But for now, I would not want to go to the hospital, even for volunteering. Where I live, they are restricting people like visitors and non-medical/clinical personnel. I am so glad I am out of this business.
Don't feel bad about it either.
Definitely skip it for now. Your're in a high risk group for developing corona virus complications.
I would have 2nd thoughts about doing it at all if you are going to have patient contact. I'm stage 3 and a urinary tract infection caused me an acute injury which was quite serious. Infections can overwhelm the kidneys.
Luckiy, mine came up to where they were before it happened. Sometimes it doesn't.
Hi bpnirvana. No. I don’t think you’re being too cautious, at all! I think you’re very wise, as a matter of fact. Too many people take these things too lightly, and end up in a pretty rough spot. This Covid 19 (Coronavirus) is no joke! I heard just today, that it’s being called a pandemic. This is quite alarming and I’m worried for this planet.
I agree fully with your decision, especially given the fact that you have existing health issues that could potentially put you in a position if vulnerability. As far as I’m concerned, you’re doing absolutely the right thing. Protect yourself. There’s nothing wrong or shameful in doing that. And be proud of the fact that you’re respecting the life that this universe granted you. You’re worth it. Kudos to you!
I wish you all the best. Please keep us posted on your progress. Stay well, and God bless. 😊👍
I have stents. And hopefully, they are well in place!