Is impossible whopper safe for ckd4?
Impossible whopper: Is impossible whopper... - Kidney Disease
Impossible whopper

It is incredibly high in sodium even more than the real Whopper kind
The Impossible Burger is plant based and has 2 concerns for me: First it is extremely high in low quality sodium (it uses a highly processed salt like you find in most kitchens which is bleached and contains anti-caking agents). Second, it is soy based. While soy is fine for most people with CKD, it can cause inflammation in a pretty sizable amount of the population. As a bonus opinion, it DOES NOT fool me into thinking I am eating a real whopper. I found it to have a very plant-based flavor and odd texture when I did a comparison of meat alternatives recently.
Another option is Beyond Meat. While also extremely high in a low quality sodium, it does NOT contain soy. I personally found Beyond meat to have a much more realistic “meat” taste and texture.
If I were craving red meat, I would choose Beyond Meat. It should be fairly easy to work it into your renal diet and not exceed your daily maximums for your key nutrients. Just be careful if you are on a very limited potassium restriction - one burger patty might consume half of your daily sodium limit. I attempted to find out more about future plans from Beyond Meat, but they do not speak about future products. I had recommended to them creating a lower sodium version made with a better quality of salt.
James @ Dadvice TV
I have purchased 3-4 one-pound packages of Beyond Meat from $8.99 to $9.99 each. I agree, it tastes close to real hamburger. Most of the supermarket meatless products have more sodium than I'd like. It's pretty obvious that the manufacturers are using sodium to make their products more palatable. Maybe some genius will invent a healthier substitute for sodium!
I would say no. It's super processed and processed food is not good for the kidneys, also high in sodium. Make your own veggie burgers, you can control what you put in them.