I'm getting pains in my stomach and side ribs when laying down to sleep, feels worse in stomach when I lay on the front is this my type 2 or my stage 3 ckd guys! Any ideas gang! Or could it mean I need dialysis?
Signs when you need dialysis : I'm getting... - Kidney Disease
Signs when you need dialysis

I’m a type II diabetic and in Stage V CKD. I do not experience pain like you describe at all whether sitting, standing, or lying down (on my back, side, or front). So it may be something else. I’d strongly suggest that you visit with your medical team about this as soon as possible.

HI Carl,
I doubt this has anything to do with CKD or diabetes, but then I am not a doctor. But if I were you, I would see your doctor. Do you have a gallbladder? Is it worse when you eat or only when you lay down. Make sure that you really think about the day you had, did you lift anything and make some notes before seeing the doc. Let us know how you make out,

I'm in complete agreement with the other responses. The only addition is if you have PKD then you may experience such pains. It is not an indicator you need dialysis. After noting your days of work, school, foods and reviewing with your physician along with possible blood/urine tests you will have a better picture of what is going on and how best to approach it.
Even though this may not apply to any of us, I will say it again! The healthy kidney inactivates insulin every day as a normal function. If this did not happen our insulin would build up and our sugar level go to zero (death). My kidney is NOT healthy and as my tests show higher creatinin levels, so I must reduce my insulin intake whether pills, or shots or pump. Secondly, healthy kidneys regulate how many red blood cells (RBC's) are in the blood stream. The kidney gives out a hormone called Erythropoetin. This hormone effects bone marrow, tells RBC's to mature (loose their nucleus) and enter the blood stream. My kidney is NOT healthy. My RBC count was 9.4 and my Nephrologist sent me to an Anemia Clinic. They gave me 5 small IV's of Iron injections over 6 weeks and every month I get tested for hemoglobin levels. If I am under 10.0 I get a shot of synthetic Erythropoetin called Procrit. This lasts for 6 weeks or so. The only problem is that when using Procrit any Hemoglobin level over 13.6 can possibly cause a stoke. Carl1969, I would see a Doctor about your pains, it could be many things but could also get worse.