Hi I think I have PCS. I’ve been referred to see neurologist And a eNT Docter but I am in a massive waiting list and this because of Covid. I haven’t seen anyone and I’ve sEEN the doctors. I had a brain scan came back clear had my bloods done came back clear so obviously I have PCS. I have headaches. Vertigo. tiniestes. fatigue. trouble multitasking. can’t look at screens for too long as I get bad vision. used to like going to the gym just don’t have the energy or stamina anymore. just get really fatigued. I also I’m suffering from stress and depression now. I also don’t know if I’m going to be able to do my job again as it requires a normal working brain if that makes sense. I am a Driving instructor self-employed I’ve been out of work now for 4 months on the sick. I’m currently on universal credit I get 334 month. Waiting for my disability assessment for universal credit. And I got my pip form done and sent it off. It Really is tuff the money situation. I’ve had physiotherapy and acupuncture.
it’s been 10 weeks since I sent my UC 50 form back for universal credit disability assessment and I’ve heard nothing at all is this normal
Also is there anyone in here that has had post concussion syndrome for a long time