Has anyone taken medication called Nortriptyline? For cluster/migraine headaches or nerve pain? I would like to know how if it helped you. I'm scared of medication not sure if I should try it.
Thank you 🙏
Has anyone taken medication called Nortriptyline? For cluster/migraine headaches or nerve pain? I would like to know how if it helped you. I'm scared of medication not sure if I should try it.
Thank you 🙏
I have had severe nerve pain in my spine for 20 years. On numerous occasions I've been given the standard treatment of amitriptyline which is a very low dose anti depressant which was found to help with nerve pain in many patients. Every single time I have been unable to tolerate even the low dose. It just made me so drowsy I was like a zombie and couldn't function. I was then given nortriptyline which is an earlier version of amitrip because it has far fewer side effects. I'm afraid for me it didn't help. I was just as doped as on amitrip. But that's me- not everyone. I react very badly to an awful lot of tablets because I can't tolerate some preservatives and colourings. One brand can be fine; another brand awful. Apart from the tiredness , for me here were no other ill effects at all. Most people say the tiredness wears off after a couple of weeks. Do try it. It's extremely helpful for many people and it is very low dose.
Hi, I will try it. I'm the same way I can't tolerate medication well at all. It's the side effect thought process is slower, tired, sick to my stomach..all of the above. But I need to figure something out. I ended in emergency room with nothing done besides given benadryl and they forgot to give me iv to hydrated me, now stuck with Bill. At the point its a gamble. Thanks for your input I great appreciate it.
Benadryl? What use is that? I spent 4 years with NO Pain relief and no diagnosis until i saw a neuro surgeon privately and he admired me there and then but 3 weeks in hospital still only got me an MRI, A " No idea what it is, possible T12 and here take oxycodone which I've had ever since. It was 10 years before I got a diagnosis (Exactly what I'd said all along) and was told if I'd been diagnosed properly I could have been cured. Now it was too late. I tried everything they suggested but it always came back to gabapentin and the triptylenes. Gabapentin did absolutely nothing except make me suicidal.
I completely understand, I deal with fibromyalgia and meniere's disease which doctors don't know how to treat. Nerve meds make me sick. For meniere's its an inner ear issue which ENT doctors are clueless. My primary helping me manage cause special have no idea. Diuretic to get rid of fluids, no salt diet, xanax. Which at the present time is a bandaid. Im mentally drained taking the life away from me. I cant drive much, nor work, I'm trying to stay positive but kills me at the same time.
Fibro here too- 30 years of it and it's the Fibro that causes these unwanted sensitivities to drugs, scents, all sorts of odd things. Gradually my spine has disintegrated , trapped nerves, herniated discs, DDD and now spondilo lysthesis where half of my spine has slipped forward. The nerve pain down my legs is unbearable. I can't walk now and haven't left the house since last June. They are finally considering surgery. I see a surgeon on May 3rd. The slippage isn't technically bad enough yet but the effects are.