New to pregnancy.....need advice! - Pregnancy and Par...

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New to pregnancy.....need advice!

cupcake2013 profile image
17 Replies


I found out this week that I am pregnant :) and am over the moon! The nurse has put me at 6 weeks today but I need to arrange a 'proper' appointment with her when I am around 8 weeks.

It feels like a waiting game at the moment, i'm a bit of a worrier anyway and just want to know that everything is ok.

I've had sore breasts for a couple of weeks now and light period type tummy ache but that's about it. A couple of times i've felt abit 'sicky' but not like i'm going to be sick!

Can anyone who's in the same position or been in this position tell me if this is normal? and how do you cope waiting till the 12 week scan?!

Any advice would be helpful, thank you :)

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cupcake2013 profile image
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17 Replies
Megzey profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Start taking folic acid if you haven't strated already up until you are about 16 weeks I think. Your symptoms are normal and also to worry is normal. 12 week scan will seem to take forever to come but it will and you will see your little one and it will be such an amazing and exciting time. You have just got to be patient and wait. Put fetal develpoment into google and you can see week by week how your baby is developing and the symptoms that you might get around that time, your life from now whilst pregnant will just go week by week but the big day will come sooner than you think. Congratulations :-)

Skyblueboston profile image

Congratulations:) I am now 16 plus 3 and never stop worrying, the ladies on here are great and reassure me a lot. I had a previous miscarriage hence the extra stress. What I did this time is book a couple of private scans first was six weeks by this time u will see the heart beating,I had another at 10 weeks then I had my 12 week at hospital, it a massive waiting game, but as long as I didn't see any blood I knew I will be ok. I also heard the heart beat by doppler with the midwife yesterday which put my mind at ease.

From four weeks to 11 weeks I had very sore breasts and felt a bit sick most days, increased cm, backache, cravings, headaches and really stuffy nose and so tired, but from 12 to today I am being sick nearly every day!

Your symptoms sound great to me, I personally believe the more symptoms the better as my first pregnancy I dint really have any, but I do know that many women have no symptoms and have healthy babies.

Good luck

poppings profile image
poppings in reply to Skyblueboston

hi if possible can u tell me a little bit about ur scan a 6 wks ie what u can see. i am around 6wks myself and have a scan booked at the hosp nxt wk as i had a right sided ectopic preg in july and resulted in my tube being removed any info would be great

cupcake2013 profile image

Thank you for your advice, no doubt I will be in here again with more questions :)

sa4ahlh profile image

Cupcake no need to worry! Your symptoms and feelings are all completely normal. I am 21 weeks now and have had very few symptoms the whole way through, it worried me at first but then i just realised i was very lucky. At your stage the only thing i noticed was very sore breasts and i was off my food a bit which sounds quite like you. The wait is sooo frustrating but as long as you don't have any bad pain or bleeding there's no need to worry at all. It feels like forever but it's well worth the wait when you get to see your little beanie and hear the heartbeat. I agree, make sure you start to take folic acid tablets and try to eat as well as you can and drink plenty of water. Congratulations! :-) x

cupcake2013 profile image

Thank you. Yep I started on folic as soon as I found out. It's all very exciting :) x

an83 profile image

Hi cupcake, congrats.

I am also 6weeks today and have been feeling exactly the things you've described.

Reading what others have wrote has actually helped a lot. thanks ladies :)

cupcake2013 profile image

Hi An

Congrats too :) hope the next few weeks go fast for the both of us :) x

Congratulations cupcake2013!

If it's helpful, we do have a weekly email pregnancy guide - it is completely free and will update you on what is happening at every stage of your pregnancy and will give you information on what to expect along the way.

You can sign up on our homepage (in the yellow box) at

Wishing you all the best on your pregnancy and looking forward to hearing more about how it's going.


Alice x

cupcake2013 profile image

That's great, thanks Alice x

Flossieflo profile image

I'm 8 weeks and also finding people on here very reassuring as I also have no idea what I'm supposed to feel and not feel. So far I have had really sore boobs, from 6 weeks until yesterday and a few tummy pains but nothing that really hurt, I'm beginning to think it was just wind. My boobs stopped hurting so much yesterday and I began to panic that I was loosing the symptoms, but today I feel sick instead so a bit happier now. It's all very confusing isn't it?

xmasgremlin profile image

We found out at 5 weeks, baby is our first pregnancy and was planned and we were very happy, the realisation then hit me and I went into meltdown! I am 30 and my hubby is 36. Just take it one day at a time and as soon as you see the scan the panic goes. I am now 19+3 and am just starting to get a proper bump and feel the butterflies which eases my mind daily. To be honest I am an impatient worrier and just can't wait to meet baby and know all is well. It really does fly by so just try and stay calm and enjoy.

ritz21 profile image

sleeping a lot and often somehow helped me pass the time until 12th week scan which was yesterday. And it said everything was normal and great :)

Congratulations, you would be fine and time flies ;)

an83 profile image

thanks Cupcake, i hope the same for you as well :)....

i went to see my local doctor today to get my antenatal appointment sorted out. i had been having what seemed to me quite intense pains for the past few weeks. i mentioned this to him & he immediately told me that i shouldn't be getting any pains at all & rushed me off to A&E.

i've never panicked so much in my entire life, and the almost 4hr wait to be seen had added insult to injury. but the lovely doctor i saw was very thorough and put my mind at ease.

i feel even more at ease & better now reading everyone's experiences.

cupcake2013 profile image

I've been having period type pains but nothing major I've read that it's normal. I need to book in with the nurse when I'm 8 weeks do hopefully she'll answer everything I need to know.

Did a&e do a scan for you or did they say what the pain could of been?x

an83 profile image

I've been having the same pains but it has been more painful than my period pains. they did do a scan but said that because i was so early they couldn't really see anything, the lining of my womb was quite thick, i don't know what that meant lol..but they think it's growing pains.

i just moved to ireland from london, due to my husband's work, so i'm finding it quite hard to adjust to the way things work here. but im definately coming back to london to give birth.

i think if you get the right person hopefully they will answer all your queries :)

sooke1 profile image

Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy, I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I am a worrier too. Its normal to worry especially in first 12 weeks, I worried about what I was eating, how clean veg was ect. Even though in hindsight I probably worried a bit too much, I feel being cautious did help everything go smoothly. I found vegetable soups a good way to get veg and I always boiled my veg. i had really bad morning sickness for first 13/14 weeks, I was typically sick 2-3 times a day which started about week 7. Its true what they say though, once its over you do forget! I wouldn't worry about period type pains as long as there is no bleeding. You mentioned tips on coping to get to 12 week scan, I d say just relax, occupy your mind with other things, the scan is amazing, once you see your baby move on the scan it will melt your heart.

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