No success after 6 months of trying t... - Pregnancy and Par...

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No success after 6 months of trying to conceive... Help please.

MNB40 profile image
8 Replies

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 6 months now and have no luck. I have been using the ovulation test sticks, app and taking the folic acid too. We have sex a lot this month as the past few months have been a bit stressful with jobs, husbands surgery and life in general. I just feel like it's never going to happen for us and we have noone to talk to as we want to keep it a secret. My cycle in May was 34 days long and I used to have painful periods but they seem to have gone away. My cycle has been gradually decreasing in length as it is now 30 days. I got a positive ovulation test in June at day 21 in my cycle but I have not been able to get another positive since, and I test 3 times a day. Please help me, I need advice and reassurance that my body or husbands body isn't broken. Is this normal and has someone been through similar?? Thanks Xx

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8 Replies
Seb9 profile image

Hi you sound very stressed. I know it's hard but try not to worry too much, it can take up to a year to fall pregnant normally. Although tracking your cycle and ovulation sticks are useful, don't get too hung up on them, trust your body and if you're having sex around your ovulation dates then it doesn't matter if you've not managed to get a stick to be at peak, as sperm stays active for several days, if you've had sex at around the right time it'll still work. Look at your cervical mucus as a sign, if it's egg white then that's when your best time to have sex.

If after a year you've still had no luck you can contact your GP and have tests done to look at whether there's any issues. It took us just over a year to conceive and every time my period came it was a blow, but it happened eventually.

I'd also recommend not keeping it a total secret, I found a few friends knowing so helpful to offload to, I'm rubbish at keeping secrets and to be able to talk to people about their experiences was so good.

Hills2005 profile image


So sorry to hear about your struggle in getting pregnant. Honestly I tell you the truth when you are least expecting that’s when it will happen. Normally it’s normal to take up to a year to conceive. But when you are very stressed it could take longer. Stress minimises greatly the chance of getting pregnant. You need to relax take your mind off it, enjoy each other’s company, eat a balanced diet, take folic acid & vit d generally just keep yourself busy and am sure it will pay off.

But after a year without success then seek medical advice for more check up and just to rule out the reasons for not conceiving . All the best hun I do hope you get pregnant soon xx

Pasaeoco01 profile image

Hey there, I know when I was ttc I thought it was going to be fun but I quickly got stressed when things didn’t work out.

As other posters have mentioned the key thing is to really try and relax about the whole thing - in my experience the more scientific and conscious you become the less likely it is to happen.

I’ve conceived 3 times taking 4 months, 18 months and 8 months. Each time just felt like forever and I only conceived when I finally gave up thinking about it!

I would say ditch the ovulation kits for a while and just go with it (easier said than done), I’m sure you’ll get there xx

Bumblebee04 profile image

Sorry to hear you are struggling. Like the other posts have said, it can take a year even if all is well. However, if you're over 35 you should go to the GP afrer 6 months rather than wait a year.

Not everyone can detect ovulation using the sticks but it's worth getting checked incase you're not as they can do blood tests which are much more accurate.

Good luck and I hope you find some answers soon xx

Sezza84 profile image

Hiya when I was trying for my first to took 6 and half years. I had a miscarriage when me and my husband got together then took 2 and a half years to catch on again to have a 2and miscarriage I finally caught on and now have an 11 year old son.

My friends was all getting pregnant without any effort and I was getting upset as I was trying. In the end I stopped thinking about getting pregnant, no longer noted when I was ovulating etc and it happened. Sometimes when we over think and get stressed about it our bodies stop working properly.

I'm 33weeks pregnant at the minute and this time I had the coil removed and caught on straight away.

If you was on contraception remember that it takes time to fully leave your system and for your body to return to normal.

Try not to worry. Wishing you all the luck in the world. Xx

Afrohair profile image

It's about timing as well you have said you had a lot of sex this month but not other months you need to try every other day 6 months is not long enough to have been trying under these terms please try and relax as that can decrease your chances easier to say than do but please try x

Bailey135 profile image

Hi if you aren’t testing positive on ovulation tests and you are testing three times a day it probably means you aren’t frequently ovulating- speak to your gp there are tablets you can take to increase ovulation but not sure if you have to have been trying longer x

PGP_2021 profile image

Sorry to hear you are going through this! It really is such a difficult process, and it takes a lot of work and it's just super stressful! Me and my husband were ttc for a year, and when we gave up all hope I found out I was expecting. It really does happen when you least expect it.

Try and not be hard on yourself, loads of self care and time just the two of you is recommended!

As I suffer from endometriosis, when trying for a baby I decided to see an acupuncturist. I understand this is a very holistic approach and it really isn't for everyone, but I believe it worked in my case. My acupuncturist specialised in female fertility and after a few months of regular sessions my cycle became regular...I am not sure if this was a direct impact of getting pregnant, but I was in such a low state that I was up for trying anything just to help.

Wishing you the best of luck xxxxx

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