Feeling alone in pregnancy - Pregnancy and Par...

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Feeling alone in pregnancy

goodvibesonly profile image
7 Replies

Hi there

I haven’t posted in a long time, actually last time i was still going through IVF.

Now thankfully I am 19 weeks pregnant and feeling so blessed. But I’ve been having a hard time lately with the restrictions.

I am working from home now due to the virus. And my husband is extremely busy with work himself. We haven’t seen our parents (due to the virus) and I’ve barely been going out.

I feel a bit left alone and no one can share my pregnancy with me.

I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way at least I’m am lucky enough to be having a baby, but it’s not easy at the moment. I had an ultrasound today and my husband was not allowed in with me, that topped it all off for me :(

Any advise?

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goodvibesonly profile image
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7 Replies
Peonypop profile image

Hello there...congratulations on your pregnancy!

I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely, I can completely empathise as I feel the same. I’m 28weeks pregnant after ivf and I’ve been struggling too since we’ve gone into lockdown.

I’ve been making the most of various technology, FaceTime, Zoom etc which makes me feel abit more connected (although it’s not quite the same as seeing friends and family especially at this special time which you’ve waited so long to enjoy).

I just keep focussing on this little bean growing each day...the lockdown won’t last forever and I keep thinking of the joy this little baby is going to bring everyone even more so after this.

Sending you lots of love during this really strange time and if you even need a rant about it all, I’m here xx

goodvibesonly profile image
goodvibesonly in reply to Peonypop

Thank you :) congrats to you too :)

How lovely and blessed 🙏🍀

Yes I really should just try calling people more and see if that makes me feel better.

Any yes we have to focus on the baby and the happy times ahead 😍

Thank you for the pick me up :)

Tiddly1984 profile image


I felt similarly during a lot of my pregnancy due to my husband working quite a bit and at night. It’s even more difficult now due to the lockdown as we’re so limited in what we can do. My advice would be to utilise communicative technology as much as possible in order to stay in touch with friends and family but to also try to occupy yourself with your own interests if they can be indulged in at home. A good book or series always helps me. Perhaps also trying talking to your partner so that when he is home you or available you’re able to make the most of your time time together. Sorry that I can’t advise on much else, but it really is quite a surreal and unique situation that we’re all trying to navigate. Good luck...x

goodvibesonly profile image
goodvibesonly in reply to Tiddly1984

Thank you tiddly, maybe I will try a new series that always does help :)

Woo19 profile image


Congratulations on your baby!

I am 13 weeks and feel the same...

My husband was also not allowed to the scan with me and my family and his didn’t quote understand the disappointment, I know it was to keep everyone safe but it was still upsetting.

I am using technology as much as possible but I also think it’s still okay to be upset that we may not see our families for a good duration of our pregnancies, my Mum is missing my son so much

It is a tough and weird time to be pregnant, I am trying to stay positive and focus on the baby but, I think it’s also okay to feel how we do. Can you try telling your husband how you feel? Maybe you could plan a date night in and spend some time? Men don’t always understand or say it won’t last forever but if you just said you feel a little lonely and suggest an indoor date night or even in a garden if you have one? Take some blankets if it’s not too cold?

I felt like this the other night so, my husband made hot chocolates and we played cards.

Hope this helps x

catt12 profile image

Hi yes feeling the same.I had ivf with a donor egg and now 21 weeks.its so difficult not being able to go out but cant doing any work as I work in retail.you cant talk with any work colleges about the pregnancy and any help from them.Its going to be another long 10 weeks to wait.when I go back to work it wont be for long before maternity leave kicks in.

FranSal profile image


I was feeling exactly the same way, but apart from the above advice that has already been given (talking to friends, family etc on facetime), what I found really helpful was writing a letter to my unborn baby with the perspective of when they are going to be able to read it. It makes all this seem like a distant memory and reminds you that this will pass! Also, I found writing a list of everything I'm grateful for right now helpful.

I'm just like you, 20 weeks pregnant and my husband not allowed to come to the scan, very disappointing especially as this is our first baby. However, focusing on the above really helped me put everything in perspective.

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