Formula: Can you add just the powder to... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Annh17 profile image
31 Replies

Can you add just the powder to yogurts or does it have too be made with water??

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Annh17 profile image
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31 Replies
ChloeLeighCorn profile image

You have to make it with water as it says on the tin. Making it any other way puts baby at risk of getting ill. Plus formula isn’t sterile, it’s the hot water that kills the bacteria in the powder. Xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

That’s exactly what I thought, but my OH was like yes you can make it with just the powder. x

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to Annh17

No absolutely not, trust your instincts. It may be useful to show him this xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Thank you so much. I just don’t know what too do for my LG, the only milk we can get in her, is added in her food. Which is around 5-6ozs a day. We are giving her vitamin drops, I’m still just worried she not getting enough vitamins, but I have too trust the vitamin drops ca

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to Annh17

How old is she? Before 12 months old milk should still be their main source of nutrition. 5-6oz is a very small amount. You’re doing the right thing with the vitamin drops. Any less than 500ml of formula and vitamins drops are advised. She’s having quite a bit under that. Have you consulted her health visitor/doctor? Xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

I know it’s a very small amount, I spoke to 2 different HVs last week and they just said as long as she’s getting some sort of fluid. Only time too worry is, when she stops solids aswell and wet nappies stop. I’m going to book doctors this week and speak to them.

We have tried so many bottles, she opens her mouth like she wants it, but as soon as she tastes the milk, she’s pushing it away and screaming x

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to Annh17

What formula are you using, it sounds like she doesn’t like the taste. Is she old enough for cows milk yet? Have you tried in a sippy cup rather than a bottle? X

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Cow and gate, she did have some of the pre made bottle last week. She’s 9 months, which I can add to her feed but not too drink.

We have got a Sippy cup, so will try that tomorrow.

It just worry’s me that she’s it getting enough even having the vitamins xx

ChloeLeighCorn profile image

Is that stage one or stage 2. I’ve found that my daughter prefers the stage 1 milk and it actually has more vitamins in it than stage 2. Different brand though, we use SMA.

I was actually going to ask if you’d tried premade, my son loved it compared to powdered but it was so much more expensive feeding him that way all the time.

She’s young for cow’s milk yet then. 12 months is the recommendation. Doctors may advise earlier sometimes though.

Does she get constipated/diarrhoea when drinking the formula. It could be an allergy causing issues and that’s why she won’t drink it. My son has CMPA and before we knew about it went though a phase or refusing milk, screaming if we tried to give it to him. X

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Stage 1 cow and gate. She used too be sick on the pre made stuff, so only gave too her when needed. But I thought, she may drink it as smells different and taste.

Sometimes she can be constipated, for 2-3 days, but she’s always been like that.

Hopefully doctors will be able too help x

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to Annh17

Always being like that is a typical sign of CMPA. Even when breastfeeding/pumping milk protein transfers through to breastmilk. As long as she’s drinking plenty of water and you’re doing the vitamins I wouldn’t worry too much but it’s always been drilled into me by my son’s dietician that milk is important before 1. Have you tried reducing solids slightly? And do you give milk or solids first? Xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Oh really, I’ve got an intolerance to dairy. Oh my, she will guzzle water like there’s no tomorrow, so she’s hydrated.

She did go off solids aswell, she would only eat 1/2 of what she used to have. We started back on the purée as we thought maybe it was something too do with her swallowing. She was fine on the purées, tonight she has had solids and enjoyed it all. I give her solids before milk, I’ve tried it the other way round, but she won’t have the milk.

I’m giving her about 3 yogurts a day, just so I can get nearly 3/4 of an ounce in each 1

Annh17 profile image

She will quite happily drink 5ozs of water though and probably more x

MissEd profile image

My lo has dropped milk, but is having about 9oz a day in his bottle. So i add as much as i can to everything else. I try to get 2oz in his cereal or fruit pouch in the morning, i add some to his lunch (we do lumpy puree and blw) and then i try with dinner but thats harder as he has toast or crumpets or something lol.

I also break up a rusk with 2oz of milk and he has that as a snack. I try to get him up to about 14/15oz. When i just left him on 9oz he didnt put on any weight so i had to do something more.

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to MissEd

Thank you. She has 4ozs with her breakfast and I try later on adding extra to rusks, yogurts, fruit. She just won’t take a bottle. It’s like she knows I add the milk 🙄😂.

She was weighed last week and with going of milk and solids plus moving around a lot, she still gained 3ozs, which I’m really please as around this age, they can lose. x

MissEd profile image
MissEd in reply to Annh17

Thats good. My lo is nearly 11 months but he only started crawling two days ago. (Lazy lol) Is she teething or anything? My lb goes off his milk with teething and when he has a cold or snotty nose (because of teething lol)

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to MissEd

She has been teething and we think she must of had a sore throat as she stopped making her cute noises for nearly a week. She wants the bottle, but will then started rubbing her nose, top lip and ear. x

MissEd profile image
MissEd in reply to Annh17

Its so hard. You can only do so much though and sounds like you are xx

Flick2104 profile image
Flick2104 in reply to Annh17

Hi, when my little girl started refusing milk it turned out she had tonsillitis, well worth a trip to the doctors just to have her checked out.

Anne-Marie2017 profile image

Hi, just wanted to let you know that after our conversation last week I have noticed a massive change in my little one. She hadn’t dropped her milk as much as your little one but there was a marked reduction. Her sleep was also off a bit but otherwise she was in good form. For the last few days she is back to taking a full 7oz in the morning and evening plus a 4oz mid day. The reason I’m thinking this info might help you is because our little ones are roughly the same age and I believe this change in her feeding and sleeping was due to a developmental leap. This has now ended and she is back to her usual self and the developmental progress she has made is very clear. She is more interactive, very sociable and doing a lot more tricks as we call them lol So perhaps this might be the case with your little one 🙏 If worried I would take her to the Dr but if she is still gaining some weight, having wet and dirty nappies and in good form I doubt they will be worried x

Annh17 profile image

A little update, been too doctors and has a bad ear infection in 1 and a slight in other. Antibiotics for 7 day’s, so fingers crossed, she will be back on her milk in no time x

Annh17 profile image

Do you think we should try a different milk? See if that makes a difference x

MissEd profile image
MissEd in reply to Annh17

I wouldnt, if it was her milk she wouldnt be drinking it at all i wouldnt have thought. Btw, what do you give her at breakfast to get 4oz in! Lol i can only ever manage 2oz in porridge or musili

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to MissEd

Ready brek, she has always loved her breakfast, this morning she had 5ozs in ready brek and 1 in fruit. So I’m happy she’s had 6ozs already, I was putting cows milk in with it, then she wasn’t eating so went back to formula. Maybe try and add an ounce in a yogurt x

MissEd profile image
MissEd in reply to Annh17

He isnt too keen on brekfast. Its funny ill do him a bowl of ready brek and he will eat a few spoonfuls then refuses it...i save it till lunch and he will have it as a dessert and he will polish it off!

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to MissEd

Have you tried just giving him some fruit and bits like that too play with for breakfast, yogurt. My LG would rather play with food at lunchtime and not eat much x

MissEd profile image
MissEd in reply to Annh17

Ive started giving him an orange which he loves and gobbles down lol but its the milk intake im worried about x

Annh17 profile image

So an update, LG still on antibiotics for ear infection and she has now got a cold aswell. The poor little girl, she is still not taking a bottle, the last time she drank from a bottle was last week.

We are still making food with her milk and am managing around 8-10ozs a day, so more than what we was. Plus giving her vitamins and water x

LauraW070 profile image
LauraW070 in reply to Annh17

How she is? Is she all right now?

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to LauraW070

Ah thank you for asking. Yea she’s fine now, fighting yet another cold 🙄 still hasn’t drink milk from a bottle. Been about 10 weeks now, so we are on lots of dairy products.

HV said about trying her in cows milk from a bottle, but I won’t do just yet as she’s 11months, il leave for couple more weeks I think x

LauraW070 profile image
LauraW070 in reply to Annh17

I'm glad to hear that. :) I'm think so too. Best to wait a little.

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