Trying for VBAC and wondering when is... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Trying for VBAC and wondering when is the earliest midwife would agree to do a sweep

35 Replies

So long story short, last pregnancy ended up in emergency c-section(undiagnosed breech). Would like to try to deliver without the need of surgery. I'm 38 weeks now, and im booked for induction at 40 if things doesn't start until then. I know that induction increases risk of uterine rupture and I would really like to avoid having to spend days/hours in hospital while waiting for labour to start. The question is when did your midwife offered a sweep?


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35 Replies
roxannacar profile image

I think it depends on local policy. I wasn't offered induction till 42 weeks. Had sweep with my first at 40+6 (tried week before but cervix closed). Asked did a sweep second pregnancy at 40+3 but baby wasn't engaged so couldn't do it due to risk of cord prolapse. So might be worth discussing at next appointment. If your cervix had never opened up tho might be harder to do sweep as needs to be a bit open for then to be able to do

in reply to roxannacar

Oh the baby has been engaged since 34 weeks and last time I was trying for home delivery and when midwife arrived I was ready to push (10cm dilated) so its not really a problem. But thanks. Will ask her on Tues. :)

roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to

Heh my first was engaged second bobbed in and out until day of delivery!! Hopefully you'll avoid a section thus time!!

in reply to roxannacar

I really hope she won't decide to flip around at the last min like my son did... that would be awful... So don't want to have a c-section... cannot leave my 2 year old with hubby alone for 3 days... they will go crazy :D

roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to

I know how you feel.. I left same day (about 6hours post birth!) with my second as didn't want to leave my toddler for too long 😣

I'm due for a sweep on Monday (when I will be 37+3). I insisted on it as I want to try my best for a natural drip free birth. My first was an emergency c section due to breech position. Second VBAC induced at 38+1day. (Born at 38 plus 2 after 2.5hours of labour.) Broke my waters at 37 +5. Let me go home for 2 days where nothing happened. When breaking waters I was already 2cm dilated, I guess that's why I didn't feel any pain.

Due to Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy, I have to have baby No3 at 37-38 weeks to avoid chance of stillbirth. So it is tricky. Baby has to come and I want it natural too. Will keep you posted.

If one membrane sweep doesn't work, might have a second one after 48 hours or a balloon catheter for 24 hours. If that doesn't work they will break my waters, wait for 4 hours for labour to start. If it doesn't than I'll have a drip.

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Let us know if the sweep worked hun. :)

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to


Cervix was open towards the vaginal side but shut towards the uterine side so nothing could be done. It was too high for midwife to reach the top closed side.

She put her finger or fingers up there and it wasn't uncomfortable or painful. She said cervix is how it should be at 37 weeks.

Will attempt another membrane sweep in 2 days. Induction booked for Friday for a baloon catheter if by then the membranes sweep hasn't changed anything.

Apparently many mums want their babies out before Xmas so it will be very busy at the hospital.

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Oh, sorry it didn't work for you. I'm going to see my midwife today and will be asking to do a sweep for me if she is willing. Been having contractions for the last couple of days but not regular. Hopefully she will be able to help me cos I really don't want to be induced or to have a c-section. I just read that sometimes you need couple of sweeps to get things started so it has to be done sometime soon...

I hope it works for you in 2 days.

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

Thank you. I hope it works for you too. The doctor yesterday said that their policy is to eventually break waters and wait 4 to 6 hours to put a drip but if I don't want it then they can't give it to me. It will be against medical advice but I have the right to. Fingers crossed. I'll try to walk and make love if that helps. Let's see. Can't eat spicy foods as much as I love them as they irritate my liver and skin and increase bile acids. Let me know how you get on.

It takes a couple or three times to get it going sometimes. My community midwife said she only knows that they do it once. So be prepared.

Good luck

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Had an appointment today. Different midwife than usual. She outright told me no sweeps until I'm past my due date. She didn't even bother to read what OB wrote in my notes. So it looks like im not getting a sweep, Maybe just before they try to induce in hospital. Hot/spicey foods doesn't do anything for me cos I'm used to them, been constantly on my feet all pregnancy and that hasn't worked to put me in labour... don't know what else I can do to try to get this baby out without medical intervention... Hopefully she will decide to make appearance on or before 28 of Dec on her own. Fingers crossed it works for you. :)

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

Is there a medical reason she needs to come out?


in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

My ob doesn'twant me to go over due date cos of the previous c-section.

roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to

Maybe baby might decide to make an appearance before! I don't think actually anything is proven to work re inducing labour quicker ... I tried curries walking pineapple etc went over 6 days with both

in reply to roxannacar

I just have to hope... and keep bouncing on my birthing ball when my son lets me... :D

Anyway, I have started to accept that I cannot control it. As long as she's healthy it won't really matter which way she comes.

I will tell you all about it.

Fingers crossed.

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Had another attempt at a membrane sweep yesterday but am not favourable. Uterine side of cervix is closed.

Will try again tomorrow on induction day whenever I'm called in. If nothing happens still, I will have a balloon catheter inserted until dilated enough to break my waters. Once waters break they give me 4 to 6 hours to go into labour.

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Oh, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work for you yesterday... it's good that they will try to do it without medication tomorrow first. Wish you all the best and hopefully not too painful delivery tomorrow. Do let us know when you have your bundle of joy. :)

Georgina_D profile image

I had sweep at 40 +5 then another at 41+3. I was induced and I feel that labour pains are alot stronger with an induction. Also be aware you are more likely to tear with an induction. I had a 3Rd degree tear and 4 weeks later still in pain and now leaking urine! I'm wishing I had a c section.

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to Georgina_D

It is a bit more painful than a natural drip free labour. Plus you don't get the feel good time between contractions.

I did tear 3rd degree and suffered severe incontinence. Had physio twice. The second time 10 years after as I was so fed up with my incontinence.

Sisi14 profile image

I had a sweep at 40+3 days and another at 42 weeks I was 2cm dilated but my little one didn’t want to come so I was induced as she was 15 days late. I got I’m the hospital at 12:30pm they broke my waters at 3pm as they were able to and my little one was born naturally at 8:01pm ! So hopefully it will be all straight forward for you Hunni , and all the best for the big day xx

Had the balloon catheter put in an hour ago. I had a nice female doctor and nice midwife. Because cervix was high and she couldn't quite see it, it was uncomfortable and it didn't sit right. So she tried to insert another catheter by feeling me without speculum which wasn't at all painful and I didn't feel anything. With the first I had gas and air. The tube they insert is very thin and some cervises are naturally a bit open especially with 2nd and 3rd babies. I do have crampy tightenings every half hour now. We'll try to rest now.

Hope this helps you all.


in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Oh, I'm so happy for you. You will soon have your Christmas baby with you... :)

I'm still waiting, have been having some cramps but not regular, hopefully she will decide it's time soon... who knows, once I start dealing with cooking and baking for the Christmas, I might start to contract more...

I wish you quick labour and quick, easy delivery so you can be home in time for celebration.

Keep us updated. :)

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

Thank you for your lovely wishes. I hope so too and wish you too that it all goes well with you too and that you can celebrate whether baby is in or out.

I can't eat fatty food or biscuits. Sauces or spicy foods. Ice cream etc. Tea or coffee as they produce bile acids which I don't want. So I wish and long to eat these things that everyone takes for granted.

I can't wait to bake some stucky toffee pudding and brownies and other things too.

Hope your baking helps and the cakes rise.


roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Very exciting ... hope to all goes quick and smooth

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to roxannacar

They still can't reach the top of my cervix to break waters. So they proposed us a C-section tomorrow morning.

After all the attempts and baby's head down all these months it just probably won't happen.

Unexpected things beyond our control do occur.

I do feel that baby isn't ready to come so am not utterly surprised.

How did the baking go?

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Oh, I'm sorry to hear it didn't work. Did They try pessary or any other medication to induce or are you thinking to go for c-section? I spent most of the day in the kitchen and the cramps have miraculously disappeared... :D

These babies just doesn't want to come, do they. Looks like they are just too comfy in there.

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

I can't have the prostaglandin pessary due to first C section as it can cause violent contractions and open the scar. So we are out of options. I didn't suggest the C section but the Registrar together with the Consultant.

As long as we'll be well and healthy I guess.

Glad you feel better.

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

They are planning to put me on the drip to see if the contractions will start if I don't go into labour in 5 days. But Yeah, if they have tried everything what is safe and it hasn't worked, it's best to go for a c-section. At least you know you will have your little one with you tomorrow. :)

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

Hope you had lovely Christmas. How did your c section go?

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

It went very well. Minimal blood loss and less than in vaginal deliveries even.

The only thing that happened was the air that got trapped in my abdomen causing the ultimate of pains. Sadly morphine doesn't have any effect on it. It takes some time 24-48 hours to pass, ibuprofen, walking.

I was in tears yesterday as hadn't slept the whole first night and couldn't breath due to the shoulder rib back and forth pain on my right side.

As this is my second breastfeeding baby, we are doing well. I'm engorged today as I get a lot of milk coming in.

Baby boy which was a surprise weighed 2740gr.

in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be

So glad you both are safe. It's a good weight for 37 weeks and soon you and your little boy will be home hopefully. Once the air passes and you r at home it will be easier to sleep (I remember noisy wards in hospital, not a wink in 2 days).

Congrats :)

Mum-of-three-to-be profile image
Mum-of-three-to-be in reply to

Just to let you know, baby was 38 weeks+2days when he was born.

roxannacar profile image
roxannacar in reply to Mum-of-three-to-be


Thank you very much.

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