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Hello, First pregnancy and I'm terrified.

chaz693 profile image
9 Replies

Hey, I'm Charlotte Just found out that I'm pregnant. Wasn't planned but was still a happy surprise. My other half already has two kids from a previous marriage so this isn't his first time. He's been great but can only relate so much to how i'm feeling. He's always been a planner and hes already thinking bout money and everything. The problem I have is i'm far to worried that something could go wrong with me only just being pregnant so for me I can't think about that or process anything like that. I've talked to him about it and he seems to understand. I've joined this community in the hopes that I can get advice from people who can relate and help with my feelings.

and I hope that maybe I can make some friends through this.

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9 Replies
ReBeCcA-90 profile image

Congrats hun! It's nice you have him for support, but I understand that your worried something bad will happen chance of miscarriage is 25% but this goes down significantly after 12 weeks so after then you may feel better! I think everyone has concerns not always about miscarriage but anything from money to the huge change that will happen, I now at 37 weeks have worries (first pregnancy ended in miscarriage) and even though I am very close to the end I think the chance of stillbirth is like 2 in 1000 but I am paranoid I will be one of the two! How old are his children? Do you plan to tell any family or friends before scan? You will get loads of support on this website all really nice women, I have been on here for about 12 weeks and although I haven't meet anyone I would say I have made at least 6 close friends! Congrats again best wishes Rebecca xx

chaz693 profile image
chaz693 in reply to ReBeCcA-90

Thank you so much. I've told close family so far and they've been great. My sister especially has been so helpful as she has 5 kids of her own. Hope your pregnancy is going well. Bet you can't wait to meet the little one. I'm already dying to know what I'm having. Nice to know I'm not the only one out there who is worried bout something going wrong. X

chaz693 profile image
chaz693 in reply to chaz693

His children are 7 and 4. So he's had plenty of practise lol. X

ReBeCcA-90 profile image
ReBeCcA-90 in reply to chaz693

That's nice his kids r a good age old enough to understand and get involved! My partner like yours has 2 children from a previous marriage too they r 14 and 16, so again a nice age, every time I c them they ask how long now- counting down the days, they have been shopping tons of times with us I want them to feel included and not pushed out, the only thing they wished we had done differently was my family and us didn't want to know sex, where as both children wanted to no, and looking back sometimes I wished we had asked too late now! My pregnancy has gone well so far thank u, only extra thing I had done was a diabetes test at 28 weeks as my bmi is over 30, but that was fine! Xx

chaz693 profile image
chaz693 in reply to ReBeCcA-90

Aww so nice to hear that everythings going okay with your pregnancy. I think when I feel it moving about and that I'll feel better. Don't think I could wait to find out the sex I'm far too impatient and would want to go shopping for things. Lol. Plus my nieces and nephew already want to know what it is so I'd never hear the end of it from them if I didn't find out x

ChrisWest1983 profile image

Hello dear! This also is my first pregnancy 😍 Now 30 weeks in already 😱 First 12 weeks were long but since then time has passed so quickly (can't gasp it!) once I got to know that I'll be a mum I was very worried: I was worried to pee as was afraid I might push the baby out, I was afraid to cycle as was concerned about what can happen, I was worried because on week 1-4 I did not know I am pregnant and went to Belgium and had maybe 3 pints of beer, and on one occasion Ibuprofen, also was worried as I spotted for 2 weeks - so was not sure if baby will stay in my womb or not. But luckily after the 12 week scan and week 16 when baby started to move, I became very calm I think. I was very impatient and wanted to know baby's sex, but baby was too shy to reveal it on NHS 20 week scan so I chose to go privately and discovered it's a boy (though I had strong feeling it's a girl)

I hope soon your anxiety will go away and you'll be fully enjoying this pregnancy! All best,x

chaz693 profile image

It's so nice to know that I'm not being crazy. I'm still waiting for a doctors appointment to find out just how far gone I am but since I've been feeling sick for the past couple of weeks think it's probably around 6-7 weeks. My sister was saying because I don't have periods (because of the pill I'm on) that they may have to give me an early scan to date it properly. I'm itching to have a scan and just be told everything's okay and then I think I'll be fine and be able to enjoy it a bit more. I already have a feeling it's a boy but still it could be a girl. Can't wait to find out so I can start buying things for it. My sister also can't wait as she's just had a baby boy and month ago and wants to know if she should keep his stuff he grows out of for me. Bet you can't wait to meet your little one. I know when I get to that stage I'll be itching to meet them. I'm not a patient person so these 9 months are going to be long for me lol.

ChrisWest1983 profile image
ChrisWest1983 in reply to chaz693

Actually my little boy is happy inside and I am not too big yet so I am enjoying my bump and being pregnant that I wish pregnancy could last a bit longer (specially the stage from ~4 months when morning sickness goes away, bump spears and gets active to ~7 months when the bump is still tight and neat and we still can put socks on without being uncomfortable)

Poor you that you don't know how far you're in. We did not plan for baby yet but it happened and I am so happy! I knew exactly which day I was ovulating and already week later I had feeling I am pregnant but my partner talked me out of taking the test. I regret listening to him as we went to on week 2 Belgium and I had there few of their delicious beers :( if I would have known I would not have had them.

Yes- the scan is a very exciting thing! I hope soon you'll have yours and you'll be able too see your baby and know that he's just perfect! Stay positive,x

Hi, congratulations and welcome to the first time mum club! 😄 You're definitely not alone, I've been worried sick since I found out I was pregnant and I'm 17 weeks now! My advice would be to take every day as it comes, try and avoid googling all your symptoms as all the horror stories that come up will just make you worry more (spotting, slight cramps etc are all normal) and be sure to take some pregnancy vitamins. Asda do a pack of 60 which are really good and similar to pregnacare for only £3 if you want to save money!

I think the wait for your 12 week scan is the absolute worst but try and enjoy being pregnant and it'll fly by. I know that's easier said than done 😂 xx

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