Baby's first bed..: Hi everyone, I'm... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Baby's first bed..

25 Replies

Hi everyone,

I'm over halfway through pregnancy now and I really need to start thinking about stocking up on stuff for the baby. My friend sent me a really useful spreadsheet (let me know if anyone wants a copy) which is totally daunting!

I think first things first I should work out what kind of bed to get the little one.

Since most advice says to keep your child in your room for the first six months, I was thinking of getting one of those beds that attaches to my bed, eg a snuzzpod. They are also available 2nd hand for less than a hundred. I love the 'look' of them. So chic! But my husband keeps reminding me that it's a practical item not a design feature ha ha.

The thing is, though, they are only for babes up to six months - so is it really worth it?

I'd love to know what everyone else did, bedwise.


25 Replies
137owl profile image

I borrowed a Moses basket from a good friend and bought a new mattress for it (they advise you always get a new mattress). Lucky I didn't spend a lot, as our baby outgrew it in just 5 weeks and had to move into his cot. I know the guidance is 6 months, but babies are really noisy sleepers, so bear in mind that the baby may outgrow it or you may want to move the baby a little bit further away!

Also, there was a warning not so long ago about one of the ones that joins to your bed, so make sure it's not a second-hand one of those. So incredibly sad.

Good luck with everything and happy shopping!

in reply to 137owl

137owl, thank you! I hadn't seen that article, it's heartbreaking. Given your experience with noise/growth and that terrible event, I think maybe snuzpods are off the list!

craftingfoxcub profile image
craftingfoxcub in reply to

The side carred cot that a baby recently died in was not set up properly. In general, if you follow advice about how to use them they are as safe as any other sleep surface. There are risks to everything. Sleeping in a separate room before 6m is associated with SIDS, even for naps they are supposed to be in the same room. (That came up as the baby who died in the sidecar had not been checked on for hours.)

Personally we ended up with loads of useless baby stuff that was not useful at all. We bedshare (yes, there are risks to that too) but it works for us and will be doing so with the baby on the way. We had a cot up for ages whet we kept the clean laundry wet hasn't got round to putting away. I'd wait with a lot of baby paraphernalia and buy it if you need it at the time. Especially if you live in a city/town or can get Amazon next day delivery or something. I got given a breast pump that didn't work for me (other pumps have), bottles but I breast feed and little one wouldn't take a bottle at all ever. I'd go with the flow as much as possible, it makes the fact that babies don't read your plans less frustrating.

Sorry of that isn't the straightforward answer you wanted.

in reply to craftingfoxcub

Thanks craftingfoxcub, that's helpful. We may end up bedsharing (who knows!) but want to try separate beds first - and thanks also for clarifying the circumstances under which the accident happened. We do live in a city so I'm sure Amazon next day delivery will be a godsend.

craftingfoxcub profile image
craftingfoxcub in reply to

I did too, try separate first, and I'd be delighted if that was where he was happy, believe me! But I'm glad we hasn't spent a fortune on kitting up a cot with gorgeous accessories. I'm just trying to say be careful what you take to be essential from what any shop or whatever tells you you need, because babies are big business, but they don't have to be that expensive. (Horribly hippy mum who bf, bedshares, cloth nappies etc here, but a lot because we have no money and we totally manage.) Ooh, NCT nearly new sales are great. Second hand cot, pushchair, all sorts available.

in reply to craftingfoxcub

Thanks! Completely agree that the 'business of baby' is completely overblown. I was dressed second hand/charity shop/hand me downs and didn't suffer!

Cheekymonkey85 profile image

I hade a crib for my little girl, a very basic one (it didn't rock or anything) brand new from mothercare- was £52 with the mattress altogether. We started off with just the Moses basket and carried it upstairs at night but that quickly became a pain, so we bought the crib and left the Moses downstairs for day naps- although she mostly napped on me lol The crib was worth it for us, she stayed in it until almost 8months when she finally went into her own room, and I'll definitely be using it again if I have anymore xx

in reply to Cheekymonkey85

Thanks Cheekymonkey85 - that's really practical advice. I like the idea of having a bed that will take her through as long as possible. A friend of mine had a moses basket that she put inside the crib for the first few months. Options options! x

Cheekymonkey85 profile image
Cheekymonkey85 in reply to

Just be aware, it only worked for us for so long as she hadn't figured out she could pull herself up in the crib lol although she was capable of Doing it on the furniture downstairs. She looked a bit cramped but was fine, And slept relatively well in it. It stands out for me as one of my best buys xx

MELLISSAC8 profile image

I put all my babies in their cots from birth. Just the basic cot bed save money as it last till the kids are 7

in reply to MELLISSAC8

That makes a lot of sense, Mellissac8, thank you.

Hi there, we were given a Moses basket by a relative and bought a new mattress which worked well. Our son also napped well in his bouncy chair during the day, and we were able to give him a little rock to sleep if he needed - he continued to nap in this until he was at least 6 or 7 months!!

Around 4 months he out grew his Moses basket and although we had a cot bed in his nursery I didn't feel comfortable with the risk of SIDS putting him in his own room before 6 months (up until this age babies regulate their breathing by listening to you and after 6m the risk drops off significantly). So...we bought a travel cot which we knew we would need in future anyway and he slept in there in our room until he moved into his own room and cot bed just before he was 7 months 😊.

It's all down to what you're comfortable with and whatever you think is best for you both xx

in reply to

That's a good idea Dublin77, thank you. I like the idea of using a travel cot as a temporary waystation between moses basket and cot very much because it sounds like it makes financial sense! xx

Btrouble profile image


I'm pregnant with twins so also looking for options on what type of bed to buy for when they are born. Was thinking of getting a crib then moving into a cot bed but it's so expensive especially when having to get double of everything plus as we are already having 2 we're not planning on having anymore so seems like such a lot of money, especially for the cribs which they'll grow out of within months. All advice welcomed ;-)

MELLISSAC8 profile image
MELLISSAC8 in reply to Btrouble

Hi Btrouble, I know exactly what you mean. My twins where born early and where vert small I still had my 2 year old cot bed cause he moved to a full size single bed.what I done was top and tail them. I also bought a twin cot off ebay new for 113 pounds so plan to put that up wen they get bigger. I hope this help.

Steffi_27 profile image

I used a Moses basket with all three but I won't be using one with my 4th, 3 kids later I've come to the conclusion that they are a huge waste of time (and money)! My first was in it for 4 weeks, my second out grow it after only 1 week and my third was in it for 5 weeks!

I did get a snuzpod for my third, best thing I ever did. I breast fed and having him next to me without struggling to get him in and out made life so much easier. I did keep the sides zipped up unless he was awake for a feed. He outgrew it around 6 months, when he was pulling himself up and was sitting up. I would absolutely recommend it.

Unfortunately though with number 4 I can't afford a snuzpod so I'll be getting a crib instead for the first 6 months, till baby is ready to go into its own room. If you have the space a cot / corned with drop rails works just as well (my room is just too small)

in reply to Steffi_27

Hi Steffi_27 - thank you! Perhaps if I can borrow a moses basket then it won't be such a waste of money.

As for the snuzpod being expensive, I've read that you can rent snuzpod style beds from some places eg

I also like the idea of a drop rail cot with the mattress raised to be the same height as my bed but space is probably an issue in my bedroom sadly! Thanks again x

Hanhan profile image

I would totally recommend a Sleepyhead, the absolutely best baby item we bought. LO is now 10 months and we upgraded to the Sleepyhead Grand a couple of months ago. They are expensive but it enables you to co-sleep safely and then you can transfer it to the cot when you're ready. I'm not sure I could 100% say it was down to this (I have a feeling luck plays a big part too!) but baby started sleeping through at 3 months 1 week and since then she has NEVER been up in the night, not once. My friends can't believe this and I have only just started to tell people as I didn't want to jinx it (!) but she is such an amazing little sleeper I really feel that it is at least partly down to feeling so snug and secure in the sleepyhead.

in reply to Hanhan

Congratulations on your sleepy baby and thanks for the advice Hanhan.

Collette30 profile image

I got mine a gliding crib, so i can rock her to sleep aswell, i have seen those and they look great, but i have never used one. Its whatever works for you really. I also had the moses basket and at the night when she was small i just put the basket inside the crib,

in reply to Collette30

Wonderful, thank ynou Collette30. So great to have all this advice from everyone. Everyone is different but it's very comforting to know all the options out there and to hear everyone's success stories.

LottyB profile image

We borrowed my sister in laws Moses basket and got a new mattress, but Niamh didn't like it, so a lot of the time she would sleep with me and I'd kick the boyfriend in the spare room so we'd have plenty of room. Hehe. Once she got to six weeks and wasn't as clingy, I put her in her cot (a cosatto one which I bought off a friend for £40) in our room. By 10 weeks she was in her own room. Lol. She snores!!! 🙈 nearly everything we got was second hand. We've got full size drawers and wardrobe so we don't need to get another in a few years. The pram we've got even does from birth to 4 years (that was new, but only £200 in an Argos sale) everything I've bought I've tried to make sure will last a good while. 😊 having a baby on a budget is totally doable! We only spend an extra £10 a week for nappies/formula. You'll get loads of presents, if you want to be specific, ask your friends and family for vouchers for a particular shop you like rather than buying you stuff. 😊 xx

in reply to LottyB

Hiya Lotty! Vouchers are a brilliant idea. A colleague of my husband has offered us her old pushchair (a few years old, but never used because her son took against ever being put in it oh dear..) so that might be a saving. x

LottyB profile image
LottyB in reply to

I got loads of next vouchers so clothes were easy. 😊 January sales are great too for car seats and such like (though do reviews first - which! is brilliant!) ebay, charity shops, etc. I've always been careful with money, but I've had so many compliments on how nice our house is, and the only new stuff is the tv and Niamh's mattress. 😃 I'll be having another clear out shortly, so I'll let you know. Haha. Xx

NeonSun profile image

I borrowed a Moses basket from a good friend and bought a new mattress for it (they advise you always get a new mattress). Lucky I didn't spend a lot, as our baby outgrew it in just 5 weeks and had to move into his cot

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