Small baby: Went for my 28 week... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Small baby

LauraJane86 profile image
11 Replies

Went for my 28 week appointment on Monday and was told that my measurements came up small. My MW sent me for a check up scan today and that confirmed baby is coming up small.

Has anyone else had this?

They didn't really tell me much except that i need to come back for 2 more scans in the next fortnight.

Not sure if i should be worried :(

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LauraJane86 profile image
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11 Replies
letsbehobest profile image

Try not to worry! You are probably jaust having a petite baby! How tall are you and babys daddy? If you are small its highly likely bubba will be too! X

LauraJane86 profile image
LauraJane86 in reply to letsbehobest

I am average 5ft7 but babies dad is 6ft1 and so is my mum so i think i expected a tall baby

Scan showed that she is all curled up again which is frustrating as i want her to stretch out a bit and make some space for herself!

Hopefully the next few weeks will bring around some changes :) fingers crossed!

Rmb85 profile image


Try not to worry if they thought there was a bad problem they would tell you. Try speaking to your midwife again for some reassurance. I was told my first baby would be between 7 and 11lbs. He was 8lbs.

It could be that you will have your baby a bit sooner than expected but try not to worry the doctors will guide you through it xx

timetosleep profile image

I measured small the whole way through but the midwife always brushed it off at my pre-natal checks. At 41 weeks I was measuring about 36 so they scanned me & baby was tiny so they kept me in to induce me. I was worried sick but baby was absolutely fine - just tiny! I was 9lb 2oz when I was born so was expecting at least an 8lb-er. She ended up being 5lb 14oz. Some babies are just small, so try not to worry.

I had a pretty easy labour ;)

rachf profile image

I'm 36 weeks and my baby has been measuring two weeks behind in the scans for the last two months. Everything was measuring to the original due date at the 20 week scan but growth seems to have slowed down slightly since. Baby is still growing, just a little slower than average... They have little fat rolls on the scan :) everything looks normal just measuring slightly smaller than the 'avergage' baby at this point. You'll always get variations from the average so I don't see it as any reason to be concerned (I'll be happier if they stay on the smaller size - easier to push out!!) I have to go monthly for scans, and I see this as a positive thing rather than negative, at least they are keeping an eye on things and will be able to pick it up early if there is cause for concern (my doctor said my placenta looks a bit more aged than they'd expect so they want to check that placenta is still delivering enough nutrients to baby). Lucky you going more often, wish I could see my baby that regularly :) Best wishes, try not to worry to much. Once I made it to the 28 week mark I felt quite reassured that even if they had to deliver early the baby has a very good chance of being fine.x

Hopeful15 profile image

Hey, worrying never solved anything. You and babes have been through loads already but your little team will cope and the doctors are already keeping an eye on you. Your job is to reassure your little one and stay positive that everything is going to work out just fine. Let her know you love her, talk to her, play her music, sing to her, read her poetry, find the things that helps her know you're there and she'll get strong waiting to see you xxxxx

Sam_J profile image

Don't worry yourself. I had the same thing with my second child but the other way round. Had a big bump that always measured 2 weeks further than I was, was sent for extra growth scans where they measured leg and arms bones and was told to expect a big 9lber. My 1st daughter was 7.11 and 58cm long so it seemed quite possible my second would increase in size. I didn't buy any newborn baby bits but all 0-3m upwards and when he did arrive he wasn't even 7lb and a short 52cm and had no water with him either. So god knows why my bump was big or where the hospital got the measurements from! Baby will be what it amount of worrying will make her grow anymore. just take the extra scans and checks as extra reassurance at least you get to see baby more often

Sam_J profile image

Don't worry yourself. I had the same thing with my second child but the other way round. Had a big bump that always measured 2 weeks further than I was, was sent for extra growth scans where they measured leg and arms bones and was told to expect a big 9lber. My 1st daughter was 7.11 and 58cm long so it seemed quite possible my second would increase in size. I didn't buy any newborn baby bits but all 0-3m upwards and when he did arrive he wasn't even 7lb and a short 52cm and had no water with him either. So god knows why my bump was big or where the hospital got the measurements from! Baby will be what it amount of worrying will make her grow anymore. just take the extra scans and checks as extra reassurance at least you get to see baby more often

hc27 profile image

With all four of my pregnancies I was told the same thing as never measured over 29 weeks full term by the tape. I was sent for two weekly growth scans with babies 1 & 2 and worried out of mind with baby 1 as the scans suggested that the baby was very small. However gave birth to a 9lb baby a week early! Baby 2 was the same and with babies 3 & 4 I allowed 1 extra scan at 36 weeks due to being nagged by my midwife and both born at 39 weeks between 8lb & 9lb. I am tallish at 5ft 8. And midwife suggests that I have plenty of room to store baby! Consultant also told me that scans are not great at detecting baby size and are never accurate. Only my anecdotal experience but hope it helps.

LauraJane86 profile image

Hi all,

So i went for my second growth scan yesterday and was told that baby had not grown at all in 2 weeks. I have now been put onto twice weekly scans and monitors as they are concerned that there is something wrong.

MW told me that i might be induced prematurely as they can monitor her better outside. This has scared the hell out of me!

I am not coping very well with the news at the moment as this has not been the easiest pregnancy so far :'( Bubs is moving around quite nicely and doesn't seem to be distressed but i am constantly on watch now which is driving me insane!!

I know this is common and the MW keeps telling me not to worry but this is easier said than done.

I feel like i am failing her but i am told that its out of my hands.

leilah876 profile image

Try not to worry yourself. I was measuring small with my second and was sent for an emergency growth scan at 39 weeks (i was so worried!) They guessed she would be no bigger then 6lb but all was fine so didn't interfere. My beautiful girl was born 2 days later and was 7lb 14. Baffled me and midwives! Late scans aren't very accurate and I think measurements can come up small based on your size and baby's position.

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