What to expect at the breast feeding ... - Pregnancy and Par...

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What to expect at the breast feeding workshop?

14 Replies

Hi ladies, just had my 28 week midwife app and everything's great with our little girl. Booked in to the breastfeeding workshop but just wanted to know what to expect from it and other peoples experiences of it? Thank you :)

14 Replies

I've been to one. My midwife said my partner should attend too, but there wasn't really much for him to do, not having boobs and all! And to be honest he said he was bored and made uncomfortable by it. We were also the only people to attend, three health visitors and just us two :/

I thought it was interesting though. They talked about different ways to hold baby to feed, and how to ensure a good latch etc. Also, issues like oral thrush in baby or mastitis, and how to hand express. It made me feel very confident about the whole thing.

But It was very pro breast feeding. My intention was to breastfeed exclusively, and i have, but if I had wanted to combine feed for instance I think I would have been scorned! It was a bit like propaganda, completely slated formula milk.

I've had no problems with breastfeeding, I've been very lucky, and I don't know if this was just because James knows what he's doing or if it was through being informed. xx

in reply to Rachaellindseywalker

Thanks for sharing your experience. Yea I'm a little worried as I was originally wanting to combine feed :/ we'll see how it goes, thanks again :) x

Hi there! I totally agree with rachelindseywalker! I was pro breastfeeding and was adamant I'd do it but got bottles just in case!

I found it useful for techniques and what not but the only other thing they did was slate formula. On reflection I felt brainwashed into thinking Breast was the only option and I would be seen as a terrible mother if I gave formula!

In the workshop I was told bf babies don't get colic, he got it, they said they don't get eczema he got that too! Was told can't mix breast and bottle and can't give a dummy which is funny because if you read up on cot death sucking a dummy is proven to prevent death!!

Unfortunately my boy suffered from terrible colic and I had to change to formula to get him out of the agony and allow us all some sleep. The moment I changed I had my happy boy back

Plus I could sleep while my husband did a few feeds! And as a result their bond grew stronger!

What I'm trying to say is if you have problems and you feel the need to give formula then give it and don't let anyone make you feel guilty!

My next baby I have already decided I will combine breast and bottle!! And if anyone tells me I can't I'll tell them where to go!

Rachaellindseywalker profile image
Rachaellindseywalker in reply to

Yes I was told no colic or eczema too! Thankfully we've escaped these so far. Another good one they told me was breastfed babies don't poo as much. "It'll be more like a wet pump, just a little skid mark, probably only every other day" Lies I tell you! :)

I go to loads of the health visitor run classes but I'm learning to only take from them what I want, and to disregard things I don't think will work for me and James. At the end of the day, we're the mums and we know our babies best. x

Thanks ladies :) I agree, mums know what's best for there babies just gets so stressful with all of these 'do's' and 'don'ts' nowadays. Makes you constantly question yourself about the choices you make and if you've made the right ones :/ xx

I went and took all they say with a pinch of salt. And bf babies can def get colic...my 5 week old will tell u tht although colief seems to hav helped. I hav horrible escema so wudnt suprise me if ehen hes older he gets it. I am combining boob and bottle but I waited until bf was establishedabut now I hav a bit more freedom when out and at night. U can always express milk as can b frozen so other people can feed him but still getting breast milk. U do what suits u and ur baby..ur their mum. X

in reply to

Do you express the breast milk and do all feeds through a bottle or do you actually latch baby on to boob and then use bottles for formula? Again I've heard if you combine feed you should express the breast milk as going between breast and bottle can confuse baby? Sooo confusing :( xx

95 % of his feeds he is breastfed so actually latched to me. But say I kno am goin out for dinner nxt week will take some with me in a bottle or if I want a break so his daddy/ grandma can feed him so u can plan it in advance as can b in fridge at certain temp for 6 days or frozen for lot longer. But I hav waited 5 weeks till I introduced a bottle but u can do it sooner. Xx

mamacool profile image

Have another chat with your HV about drop in BF support groups for after baby is born and try and visit before you have the baby. Where I live in Gloucestershire, there are now a number of breastfeeding support groups where you can rock up for a cuppa and have a chat about anything and everything. You can get measured for good nursing bras and loads of tips for successful breastfeeding and speak to women who have lots of experience and it is far less stuffy than HV courses, which don't mean much until baby is in your arms.

It does take time to firmly establish BF (weeks and months, rather than days) but it is well worth it. While I can see the attraction to combined feeding being inclusive to partners and is perceived to be convenient the social benefits are no greater than feeding yourself.

The truth is that men find babies a mystery until they're more interactive (smiling, crawling walking talking etc) so they're not that fussed. Also many women can't see past the first 2 -3 months when the feeding pattern changes which is a shame. By 3 months baby can go longer between feeds because they're bigger and baby is also a pro - taking about 10 minutes to feed at any place or time with no need to take equipment or sterilise anything and its completely FREE! Once baby starts to eat solids between 4 and 6 months it gets easier still.


I only started combined feeding with my first because I had little confidence in my BF capability and when he stopped feeding from me at 5 months I felt redundant and useless. With no2 I fed him until he was 13 months, though he did have one formula feed from 4-6 months a couple of times a week while I was in college, I went back to BF exclusively as soon as I could (by this time he was eating food and had teeth). It was the most rewarding experience and we have a very strong bond because of this. I just wish more women were confident in their body's capacity to feed their baby, I hope this helps :)

in reply to mamacool

I find the social benefits of it btr bcoz I dnt really feel comfortable getting my boobs out at the dinner table in front of my parents at the age of 24. Expressing ables someone else to feed him and for me not to feel self conscious.. i dont giv him a bottle when we r out all the time but definitely if going out for a meal and thts about once a week. dont do it every day but its whatever suits the individual and my boyfriend has expressed a desire to feed him to giv me a break and when I was watching him doin it..my little boy was smiling away and his daddy enjoyed it so he looked fussed to me. It doesnt take 3 mins to sterilise the bottle at home then all u need is hot water facilities. I enjoy breastfeeding my son but some people either cant or wud rather not and I enjoy watching his dad and grandma feed him but still get all the best milk.

in reply to mamacool

I bottlefeed and my boyfriend was so pleased it ended up that way as he loves feeding, changing and bathing our little boy.....anything to spend time with him. I've gota say some men really are fussed about a teeny baby. But good for you on the whole breastfeeding thing

SaraPeanut profile image


I went to one last week and found it really useful. My partner came too and, although he won't be doing the actual feeding, it was useful for him to know how everything works and to involve him so if I'm having difficulty he can remind me of technique etc.

I didn't feel brainwashed and we live in an area which has one of the lowest breast feeding rates in the country. All in all I found it useful and informative but at the end of the day I think it depends on the MW / HV you have x

My husband was besotted with our boy from the moment he was born, he had very little experience with babies but he knew exactly what to do! He was devastated when he had to go back to work! The look on his face when he fed the baby for the first time.... priceless! <3

Thanks everyone for your advice and experiences! I'm just going to go along with an open mind and try and not let them force anything upon me. I do think combine feeding is how i'll go as I know my partner really wants to be able to feed her aswell and I really want them to be able to have that time together too :) x

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