Hi, I have recently been awarded both PIP benefits after a long application process. My advice would be to print off all of the question to question advice as given on the Citizens Advice Service web site, they suggest many points that initially I thought did not apply to me. You have to start with a telephone interview, prepare well and explain your situation as it is on a bad day. Do not forget to list any other medical problems you have including any mental health impact this has had on you. Be firm with your GP and get as many referrals for your conditions as you can. If you get through the telephone interview you are then sent an application Form/booklet. Your answers are point scored so again refer closely to the Citizens Advice Service and the governments own web sites ( there is lots of other advice on the web). Make sure your answers are as full as they can be especially for high scoring questions ( I completed a further 30 plus additional pages ). I then underwent a 90 minute face to face interview based on my given answers on the written application; although the lady who conducted the interview (a registered nurse I think) readily admitted that she had only skim read my forms ( 70 pages- Grounds for appeal if my application had failed I think ). Bring a copy of your forms with you to refresh your memory. You are entitled to have someone with you who may take notes. Be consistent with your answers, bearing in mind you are being point scored. If you are upset by the process say so and do not attempt any physical tests if it would cause you discomfort ( i.e. touching your toes ). Do not lie or exaggerate but DO explain your condition and its impact in the fullest terms as it is on your worst days. Once you are granted PIP ( Its not means tested or income related ) you may then be able to claim other benefits ( blue badge, Employment support allowance, carers benefit, etc.again check on the w
Re-posting a reply I wrote last year in respec... - Myositis UK
Re-posting a reply I wrote last year in respect to current PIP and benefit claims.
Thanks for posting this helpful information fbcburnett.
Just thought I would mention you are able to obtain a blue badge from the council without claiming PIP
Hi fbcburnett, I've just read your very interesting post from 3 months ago with regard to obtaining PIP benefit. I have a young friend who is a chronic migraine sufferer and is trying to get PIP. She is a hairdresser who has her own little business and finding life intolerable trying to work and being in bed 2 to 3 days a week with migraines which are out of control. She has tried everything, been to see specialists and tried every medication but she is still chronically sick a lot of the time. Migraine is a horrible disability, I am in exactly the same position myself although I have never tried to claim any benefit as it's so difficult but I am retired now. My friend had a PIP interview some weeks ago and the man who interviewed her reduced her to tears and she came out in shreds. He treated her so badly and she is pretty sure she will not be able to claim the PIP. From your post it does sound very complicated and you need to be pretty up together. I would like to encourage my friend to go back and have another try if she fails this attempt as she is so low and anxious now and worried about how she is going to pay all her bills etc. as she is a single mother. I think if she could claim a bit of help she could just do part time work or have a complete rest for a while to try and give herself a chance to stop taking so much awful medication which is making her worse. I would appreciate any advice you could give me to enable my young friend to get some help. Many thanks indeed for reading this post.
Hi, the best advice I can give is for her to attend her GP and explain to him/her the impact that this interview has had on her mental health and for them to record it as such. There is far less stigma attached to these issues nowadays with 1 in 4 of the UK population suffering from some type of mental health problem at some point in their lifetime ( Thats according to an NHS psychiatrist treating my sister at present ).
If your friend has had any dealings recently with social services a social workers help in completing the application may be of assistance; tell her not to worry about the old rumours of the risk of putting your kids into care and you in an institution; this is all baloney, social workers are there to help; anyway there's no funds to do such things nowadays.
She must try and get as much medical evidence together as possible for any appeal should she get a negative result.
The current benefits system is clearly designed to deter people from claiming in the first place; the written applications are complex, ambiguous, repetitive and far too long. They put people off before they start.
Follow the guidance on the citizens advice site when completing any forms; be thorough and take your time.
As your friend has found out the face to face interview can be harrowing. I would advise any one going to such an interview to prepare well and follow my earlier advice, especially taking someone with you and not being afraid to refer to your notes/a copy of your application.
Finally a visit to the citizens advice centre is a must, most of their services are now on line as I explained previously but there are still some offices open, albeit for a limited time and by appointment; check the website for local details.
Thats all I can think of at present, if I come up with anything else I will post again.
Good luck and kind regards,
Hi Colin, How kind of you to get back to me so quickly with such useful information. It is such mine field trying to claim anything these days. I have copied out everything you have said, word for word and will show my friend. If she is refused the PIP this time, which she thinks she will be, I don't know if she will have the courage to go back again as she was so intimidated the last time. I will try and encourage her to have another go. As you say, it is all designed to put you off. I claimed Attendance Allowance for my Mother many years ago and it was just the same in those days but I persevered and with the help of a very kind nurse/social help worker we managed to get it but the forms were dreadful. I feel so sorry for my young friend as she so deserves to get some financial help to try and lesson her anxiety as I am certain the stress of trying to keep her business going is making her condition worse. She just needs some helpful advice and I much appreciate your help. Many, many thanks indeed. With my best wishes and kind regards, Pump321