hi. first time to post so not sure how all of this works. have has ms since 2017. got diagnosed in 2022. am severely handicapped to the point i can't work. trying to figure out how to improve my life. hoping this can help
new to site: hi. first time to post so not... - My MSAA Community
new to site

Hi qryche71, and welcome! This is a great site to share info, find info, vent, have a good laugh (always a plus), and connect with others who are living the M.S. journey just like you. Glad you found us and look forward to hearing more from you. 🙂
Sorry you had to join us, but welcome!

Welcome to the forum, qryche71 ! We have many members on this forum who all want to improve their lives, so you are in great company. You can also visit mymsaa.org for more resources to assist in that goal. I look forward to hearing more from you! Keep Smiling
Welcome to our Team qryche71! I look forward to hearing from you. Leslie
Welcome to this wonderful group qryche71 , sorry for the reason. This is a great group for info, to celebrate, to vent, and ask questions! Look forward to getting to you.
Hello & welcome. I went through extreme tiredness when I was first diagnosed in early March 1994. I remember I slept a lot. I had double vision real bad while the Drs. were trying to figure out what was going on. It had pretty well resolved it's self & they came up with probable MS & sent me home.
Tell your Dr. about being so tired they have things now they didn't have back when I was diagnosed.
Check with MSSA as they have many programs to help you. I do know you need to stay limber by doing some stretching exercises everyday or 2. Make a schedule to get up & go to bed at the same time everyday. I had to do that. Oh keep walking, that is important. your are in my prayers now & always. Mary
Hi and welcome to the group! We’re glad you’re here 😊
Welcome! I’m new to this site as well and it’s already helping me.
welcome to our group! so glad you found us.
Hi,Ms., it's not a terminal illness. Thank God ,ddiferent treatments are available not to cure, but it can stop the progression. Listen to your doctor and always keep positive. Good luck.
Keep moving as much as you can is the best thing ever! Welcome!🤗
Welcome qryche71 . For me this is a place where I feel connected to people who really get it, which has been so helpful. There are many here who had to give up work, like you. Like others, I have to say stretching and exercising in whatever way you can makes a big difference in the long run.
Hello, and welcome to the group. I hope you find us helpful and inspiring. Lots of information sharing and comradery.
I turned to art to help me "escape" and it makes me feel like I have value. Is there something you are interested in that you would like to do? That's what has helped me a lot!
Welcome! We are going through this journey together as I refer to as “community family.” We learn from one another, share information and often times enlighten others with knowledge with Disease Modifying Treatments. No judgement zone and respect for our vast demographic diversity. Support through “kindness and compassion is as medicinal as the medicine we take!!! Welcome my friend 🙏

You are here now, qryche71 🤗
Welcome to the group no one wants to belong to
Hello qryche and welcome! I don't know what you handicap is but I agree with others keep stretching and moving your muscles. You may want to ask your Dr about getting physical therapy.
Hope you feel better soon🌹