Like many MS patients, I take a lot of meds. A lot. But I feel like I need all of them, particularly baclofen and hydrocodone since I have some painful spasticity in my pelvic floor and the right side of my neck and shoulder. Lately, my legs have started to feel tight, too.
I have a baclofen pump, but I need to take oral baclofen since the pump doesn't do much for the neck area. About six months ago, I noticed that my long-time dose of baclofen was making me feel more tired than it had in the past, so I cut it in half. I didn't mention it to my pain doctor at the time, because I'm pretty sensitive to drugs, and there had been some conversation about possibly removing the pump, which I didn't want. Bad patient, yes, but I didn't really think it was a big deal.
Now, I've been noticing that even the half tablet that I'm taking three times a day has been making me feel drowsy. Today I took half of a 10 milligram tablet and now, an hour later, I feel sooo impaired. I am writing this under the influence, but I would definitely not want to try using power tools or driving. I'm not eager to walk, honestly. I called my PC and asked if I should get blood work, but I don't think that's it. I just had blood work four months ago, and everything was good, so the chances that I've suddenly developed kidney problems seems remote. Thankfully.
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon with my pain doctor, who's in charge of the baclofen. I'm hoping we can just adjust my dosage somehow. It's very weird, because my neck/shoulder muscles still feel tight, even though I feel really messed up. For today, I have advised my husband that if I collapse, he's to tell the paramedics it was baclofen. I have looked up the various effects of baclofen toxicity and confirmed that I am in the very mildest stage, called "clouded consciousness". (The worst stage is called "coma"). The half-life is about three hours, and I've noticed that the effects are strongest a few hours after taking it, so after another hour or so I should start to feel better. If not, I'll have to go to the ER. But I am anxious about what my doctor is going to say tomorrow.
Another fun day with MS.