been sleeping better and feeling better. having an outlet has helped so much-i feel like i am organizing my emotions instead of being all over the place and ready to blow. if I am calm then maybe my husband will be too. he still said what he said and maybe in the quiet he will realize that we are not combatants❤️
good morning: been sleeping better and... - My MSAA Community
good morning

Yay! I’m glad to hear this 🎉
good luck, stay calm and think twice before you make any comment that you might regret.
yes i know from the same experiences that being quiet does work ..i will go into the other room and do a puzzle or go out side and find something to do and it helps to get me back into a better feelings and not wanting to explode...they do make us mad but that just makes it worse to blow up for they aren't use to having to do more for us if it was like our situation for i did everything for him for he had been gone all the time driving truck and then he got cancer and had to get off the road and we both now are disabled and it is hard for both of us ...i do have to try and ignore stuff he does and doesn't do or cares about i know he does but they aren't use to showing all of those emotions ..good luck and try to find things to do or read a book and act like nothing is wrong ..i know it is really hard sometimes but sometimes that is what we have to do if you want it to work is just what it is or just find your own way to deal with it is hard and happiness...take care and try to eliminate the stress...
I am so very glad that you are feeling better!
so much better! what i was doing(being in a constant state of agitation-fight or flight - all the wrong things ) was wreaking havoc on the MS and i didn’t even know i was doing it…..all of this was like hiding in plain sight. stress can be such a knee-jerk reaction and i was doing it on the regular. so when my husband acted like he acted(still wrong) I was already ready to blow.this is a wonderful forum indeed❤️
Glad to hear things are better🙏🏾
Great to hear!Sounds like he needs an "outlet" to though.
Eventually it's going to have to be discussed otherwise it will fester underneath.
But for now, Yay U!