Changes,. Then more changes. The changes are changing so quick it is hard to keep up all of them in dealing with the Coronavirus.Most states around me and for quite a few Across the Nation, including mine, are now on total lock down and are told to shelter-in-place.
So what I don't understand is the last change and that is that we are in total lockdown and we were told to shelter-in-place is so hard to understand. Use your common sense and stay home. No one is bulletproof when it comes to this virus. Make sure your entire family and friends understand young and old alike are in danger from this virus . Use your common sense and follow the guidelines below.
1. Stay at home. Do not go to any kind of gathering church services or box stores drug stores grocery stores Etc. Stay at home.
2. If someone in your home has to be out and about keep the 6-foot distance from them at all time and sanitize sanitize sanitize constantly around the house. It's okay to make your significant other mad when you ask them for the fifth time to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer on them. It's our life at stake not their's. So be sure you make cleanliness the rule of the day around the house.
3. Be careful you don't cross-contaminate your food with people who have been out and about in might be carrying the coronavirus without having symptoms yet. Be aware of all utensils they use to dish out their food Etc and make sure you use clean ones to get your food. If anyone reaches a hand into a dish to clean the edge or use the spoon they have contaminated the whole dish and you cannot eat out of it . This is done so easily by eating potato chips out of a bag where you reach in and grab a handful then eat them from your hand and then reach back and grab another handful. You have contaminated the entire bag with the saliva left on your fingertips as you grab the next handful of chips . Do not let this bad habit of cross-contamination happe n in your home with any of your foods. q
4. When you need supplies you can tr y to have the stores delivered to your door . Manny do right now offer that convenience . If that fails ask a neighbor who's healthier than you to pick up your groceries when they pick up their groceries or pharmaceuticals excetera. When they're dropped by your house disinfect everything before you touch it. You don't know who picked that up in the grocery store before your neighbor did and coughed all over it leaving nice germs for you to accidentally ingest.
5. Cancel and reschedule all doctor's appointments that are not a matter of your health. Don't get in the dentist office and get around people, don't go in your doctor's office and be surrounded by sick people. Most of the maintenance type visits like your mammogram or dental cleaning , vaccinations, can wait till the pandemic quiets down.
So to reiterate keep your head low, stay at home, and be safe. Use your common sense to help you decide what is safe and what is not. When in doubt always err on the side of caution. It is better to be safe than sorry and healthy rather than seriously ill with this nasty virus that has swept Across the Nation. Until we speak again please take care. Keep your head low and stay inside. Fancy.