It's early November, and I read a lot about gratitude since Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
Being grateful does so much for our own hearts and minds. Recognizing how blessed we are with material goods, rather than comparing with what someone else has, helps keep our positive frame of mind. Recognizing the good relationships, even if they are few, makes us treasure those people more. It's gratitude, I think, that can help us avoid become angry, demanding people as we deal with chronic illness. We can concentrate less on the shortcomings of others and appreciate their strengths.
I often think about the many people and things I am grateful for. I have an amazing, loving, generous, tenderhearted husband who works at accommodating all my MS symptoms with understanding. For instance, when I walk slowly, instead of being impatient, he tells me how glad he is that he can finally keep up with me. My list of blessings is long. I have true friends and a loving family. I have a solid roof over my head and too much to eat.
This year, I realized that I want to do more than just recognize those people for whom I'm grateful. I want to actually show my gratitude in words and actions.
Most of us have limited energy and abilities, but we can always tell our friends and family how much we love them and appreciate who they are and what they do for us, and do it often. Whatever abilities we still have can be used to bless someone. I hope I will concentrate more on being a blessing, rather than just taking note of the blessings I have.
I thank God for you all and appreciate who you are. I'm grateful for MSAA and HealthUnlocked, who made this forum possible.