I have been much more positive the last few weeks but am Just having one of those sad, down in the dumps kind of days.
Anyone have a day where they just think ... - My MSAA Community
Anyone have a day where they just think about life before diagnosis and wish they were healthy again?
The thought of being the healthy, active person I used to be comes to me almost daily. I try not to let it get me down. I focus on the things I can do, like finally catching up on reading, my crafts. gardening! I am grateful for this fabulous site and a whole new world of friends here, all of us having this disease. Understanding and helping each other!
It’s been so long I have almost forgotten how it was not being disabled 😔. But yes I do have great things to remember from the past. After twenty five years you learned to adjust and move forward 👍. I wish to be back what I was four years ago just feeling better and still disabled just a little less 🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
Hi ken,
Yes i think it is normal to think this. I am also afraid of the future and disabilities but i am trying to focus on one day at a time and being grateful for today
Kudos Kenu I still dust off my bike and pump up the tires. I think what bothers me most is the loss of so many friends. I was really surprised and saddened about that...
Totally agree with the friend thing. It’s like you are a burden so you don’t even get invited 🤬. There are a lot of things I could participate in 👍. I do have some great diehard friends that do keep me posted 🙏😉 Ken 🐾🐾
I think most of us experience those feelings at times. When those negative feelings try to sneak in, I try to remember what my dad used to say: "Don't borrow trouble." We can't change many things, like our diagnosis, but we do have control over how we will respond to it. Most of us are learning to adapt and adjust. It's truly okay to feel what we feel, but it can be dangerous to stay in the mode of thinking which is always looking back at what was or worrying about what might be. You're at an early point after diagnosis, with tons of information coming at you, lots of feelings to process, and many changes. Be patient with yourself as you work through all these things. Come here and share, where people really understand. We laugh together a lot, but we also have soft shoulders for the tearful times. We're with you.
I do.
yes all the time
When I start thinking like that the saying "There's no future in the past" usually snaps me out it.
I do occasionally let myself have a pity party but I don't let it last more than an hour. Dwelling on those things for too long becomes overwhelming. I make myself appreciate what I can still do and focus on how I can participate in keeping my overall health at it's best as well as treat the MS.
I have never been one to complain about my problems to others so only occasionally mention my disabilities to others. Just have to remind my husband sometimes I am always fatigued to some level so need help with the housework. I wish I could say this translates to him doing the dishes every day but... 😁😁
Every day, all day.
all the time!if I think too much about it I get extremely depressed.You can't have hope without having faith first.I am trying to stay out of the "slump".I am to the age when I would have retired and living out those dreams,we have to adjust.I guess we need to do what we can(I am taking the mooc online course,I may actually learn something.and I am going to make an appt with a new dr.his credentials are very impressive.His mother passed away with ms and he has made it his life calling to help us.We have got to have hope,I know it is hard at times but we need to keep on plugging along
I do it all the time. It’s hard to believe how far away those times are. Mourn or and try to move forward.
Thank you all 😊🙏
I feel you.
Yes....sadly, all the time! The last super active thing I did was just 6 yrs & 75 pounds ago. I had to CLIMB A TREE with a chain saw and cut some branches down. Just reading what I just typed is almost funny to me. Can't imagine EVER climbing a tree again or wielding a chain even with both feet on the ground! Lolol. The staircase is my 'new' tree, lol. Only it's twice as difficult to climb!
Right after diagnosis, I would. But nowadays that I finally know what was wrong with me and that DMT is starting to work, I absolutely do not want to go back.
I dragged myself for 10 years through fatigue, unable to get out of bed, my life was literally shrinking.
Now that I'm under treatment, I feel like I'm starting a second life. So no, absolutely, I don't want to go back to before.
actually no never have
Not a moment goes by where I don’t remember that I have this damn disease. It robs you of the things you used to love to do. As a member of the club, you have to rise above the negative and find something positive to hold on to. My life is different now, but not over. I find joy in the things I am able to do and try not to dwell on the ones I can’t. I said “try”, ‘cause it ain’t easy.
Take a deep breath and ask for help from a professional if you feel the need. It has really helped me cope. I think depression is an integral part of this disease, so don’t think we haven’t all felt it at one time or another.
Good luck, take it a day at a time.
It’s good to have people who feel the same way. Although no one wants to be in our “club “.
Oh yes. That's why I've started to see a therapist.
Absolutely, all the time!! The simplest thing such as walking that I guess I took for granted. If I could just walk what I call normal again. I would be happy!