Hi everyone, I am 46 years old and about a month ago, I was diagnosed with MS. For 6 months, I didn't know what was going on with my body. My right leg was heavy and swollen. My toes on both feet were tingling. On July 31st, I finally seen a neurologist and the MRI showed my problem was my brain. And I cried in the Dr's. office. I couldn't believe it. I had just battled colon cancer and won and now 3 years later MS. Since finding out, I have learned a lot about MS and found out that I have two cousins on my mother's side of the family has it also.
New to MS and learning.: Hi everyone, I am... - My MSAA Community
New to MS and learning.

Welcome to the group/ family.
You will learn a lot from this group.
Remember here you can ask any kind of question even if you think it's silly, stupid, or dumb.
If you need to vent, have a good joke, nice pic, any updates please share or do it here.
We are one big happy family from all over the world in all stages of MS and ages.
Once again welcome to the family.
Welcome to the group Cutefreckles72 Glad to have you here, sorry for the reason. This is a great group with some great people! Post a question, news, or jump in anywhere. Look around. Look forward to meeting you.
We always are sad to know that more people have MS, but we are so glad you found us. Each member is so important!
MSAA has loads to offer.
Welcome, sorry we met under these circumstances. But at least you have found a great place to communicate at
I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis but congratulations on defeating colon cancer. I cried too when I received my MS diagnosis 5 years ago. This blog is amazing. The most useful thing I have learned about here is the book by Ann Boroch "Healing Multiple Sclerosis." I wish I had known about it when I was diagnosed, but I guess better late than never. Read it before you embark on your Internet research. Especially since you have had colon cancer.
Thank you. I will read the book.
Welcome! There are a couple things about having MS that I don't mind having it. The one is I never would have met this group of wonderful people if I wasn't diagnosed with it. This is the BEST group and I'm glad they're here!

Welcome to this forum, Cutefreckles72 Here, you will find a lot of useful information. There are many sympathetic and wonderful members here who are navigating this 'ms' as best they can. We all help each other because we don't know everything, but together, we just might! So, welcome, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Keep Smiling,
I hope you are taking a disease Modifying Therapy(DMT)
Welcome to the group. Congrats on beating cancer! I was relieved when i finally got a diagnosis after almost 5 years of getting jerked around. I finally had an answer to "What the hell is wrong with me?" It was a relief.
MS isn't the death sentence that cancer can be. But fight it with all you got until a cure is found.
Sorry to hear that...but dont worry, you sound like you have been through alot... this is managed as long as you stay positive...
Welcome to the club which nobody wants to be a part of, Cutefreckles72 . I got it at the age of 57 and it ruined my career and certainly made life more difficult. But on this site, you can express pretty much anything, and it's likely that someone else will have had it, too. I cried in my dr's office as well when I got my dx, and I am not ashamed. This site is obviously not a substitute for medical advice , and your primary resource for that is your treater (hopefully you will find a good MS specialist for your treatment) but at least you will learn that you are definitely not alone! Best of luck as you start your journey.
Thank you for the encouragement. Each day I get ready for the journey and it feels good to have a supportive group/family each day.
I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis but welcome to the group. I am relatively new to this one myself. But I have found that most of our groups are loving welcoming and supportive. You will have good days, bad days and in between days. Share them all. Work at being positive and it will help the situation.
I was DX age 62 but it had already managed to derail my life. I have been blaming my brain fog on the depression after my husband's death. But it continued for too many years. Then, I had a big exacerbation experience that brought many years of symptoms to a head and a dx.
You sound like you're a fighter so that will help you win this battle as well. Having someone you can rely on for support is also good. Even if it's just talking about your emotions as you experience this . Some of us are able to continue our lives normally until it gets to the point that it hobbles us with some disability. MS does not have to win or ruin your life. Stay active eat healthy and find something positive everyday. WE ARE MS WARRIORS ! Sending hugs. 🤗🤗🤗
Thank you for the encouragement. My husband and mom are very supportive. They keep me encouraged also. I am ready to join the MS WARRIOR's group. Lets do it. Sending hugs back.
A very warm welcome to your new family of M.S. Warriors here Cutefreckles72, As you've already Seen this is the bestest foruM.S. Family On the web/net, please see my profile too, as I am Greatly Managing this MonSter, for almost 9 months now, & doin a great Remission....Again welcome Cute! My Profile name is jazinco, but am known as Jazzy🌹💜