With a little "c"
"creation": With a little "c" - My MSAA Community

Is it upside down Erash.
Hmm...not on my screen? Besides, it may look better that way
Jimeks and Erash, for whatever reason anytime i submit a photo for this website I have to take it upside down in order for it to post on here right side up. Weird huh.....

Love this forum but there are definitely some technology kinks...like it would have been nicer to post all pics at once rather than monopolize the feeds with several..
No? but we can pretend I live in an anti-gravity outer space world...
WOW Erash!! You are an artist!!
This is great! Hands are so hard to paint. I won't attempt them.
I actually got my lap top to stay still while I looked at the painting. I like it, it spoke to me, hands reaching out to each other, a bit like this web site. Well done Erash, i do, I like it.
Michaelangelo has a modern-day student! You are quite talented, Erash. It takes me back to the Sistine Chapel...without all the tourists! 👏
Nice painting. And interesting collection of books. Looks like you're a nurse.

Nurse practitioner😉
I'm an RN.

There's either a lot o f nurses with MS or as we know just a lot of women with ms and thus a lot of women nurses...I wonder if anyone has ever looked at the correlation b/w career fields aand MS.
That would be an interesting study. And if certain personality types are more prone to autoimmune conditions. I have noticed that I come across quite a few healthcare professionals with MS. Like you said - mostly women.
The picture is upside down, or it looks like that to me.
Erash, once again on May 10th in this chat room. What artist you are. And would you put it it is so perfect I thought oh my gosh someone's reaching up to touch her crafts she's trying to show it and then I realized it was your painting. It was so lifelike. So beautiful. So amazing.

MSfighter, u r too kind 😳

erash not upside down here. Beautifully done. I love it.
Upside down here but who cares, beautifully done hands!
Erash, you are amazing! The extent of my art talent is stick figures!!! Really, you have a gift. Kelly
Very moving, erash, & beautifully executed. A God-given gift, as well.
I'm in awe of such talent!