PODCAST: AOSpine Research Top 10 from ... - Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy

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PODCAST: AOSpine Research Top 10 from Myelopathy Matters

2 Replies

Following the success of the AOSpine RECODE-DCM consensus meeting in New York last year, the Top 10 research priorities were established between people with lived experience, clinicians & allied health professionals.

With that in mind, please feel free to tune into the AOSpine Research Top 10 podcast for more information available on the following links...

Apple podcast






2 Replies

A very good listen to how people find very hard to get people to listen to them as I found out myself and by time you get a proper diagnosis it's to late , it is a very poorly understood subject and like Ewan says if not picked up early it can lead to permanent disability. Keep up the good work.👍

in reply to

Hi there - well that was episode 3 - Iwan, Dr James Harrop & Professor Brian Kwon. - there will be 10 in all to enjoy/inform

Best wishes

Shirley (mod)

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